The Lion King, Jr

158670af36d279d722a864deb7e58635The Lion King Jr has been performed by Year 6 this week, supported by Year 6.

The Mayor of Southwark said it was the most professional production she had ever seen and Jim Eshelby, Head of Standards at Southwark council wrote to say this:


“Just a short note to say how much I enjoyed your production “The Lion King” on Tuesday.

The whole performance from the programme, scenery, sound effects to costumes and the cast was just a wonderful experience. Please pass on my thanks and congratulations to Class 6.

There were some fantastic performances from the cast overall… I had to keep reminding myself that you only have 25 year 6 pupils! It really was outstanding!

Anyway thank you again for a perfect way to end the term.”


A big thank you to everyone involved. Enjoy the last night, Year 6!


The Lion King, Jr

0 thoughts on “The Lion King, Jr

  • It was the most amazing thing I have ever done in my entire life so far! It was so nerve wracking beforehand but when you step onto that stage in the dark or in the limelight, all of your nerves vanish. If I was asked to do it again, I would say yes in a heartbeat.  Good luck to next year’s Year 6; I’m sure their performance will be amazing and I will definitely come to see it! 

  • The best school production ever!

    Well done Class 6, an amazing performance from all of you (and great support from Year 5). Fantastic acting, singing, and costumes, you should all be very proud of yourselves.

    Good luck in your new adventures at Secondary School 🙂


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