Safer Internet Day

This Tuesday was Safer Internet Day, a day that is very important to our school and pupils. Safer Internet Day is celebrated across Europe and is a partnership between Childnet, Internet Watch Foundation, Insafe-INHOPE network and SWGfL.

In the UK, Safer Internet Day is organised by the UK Safer Internet Centre ( The aim is to celebrate the many positives of the internet,and to raise awareness of the issues that children and young people face online today.

During Internet Safety Day each class spent a lesson looking at an aspect of internet safety relevant to their year group, including a Year 6  LCLC workshop on fake news. Year 3 made posters reminding their friends about how to stay safe online.

Please click here if you are a parent and would like to access free resouces including fact sheets, activities and conversation starters. 



Safer Internet Day

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