Author: foguz

School Development Plan Evaluation

We are currently evaluating and updating our School Development Plan (SDP) and would value your contribution.

If you would like to suggest a priority or focus for 2018 – 2019 please complete the form below:


The School Development Plan (SDP) is written and evaluated by the senior leadership team in consultation with staff, governors, parents and pupils. We review our progress regularly, evaluating against specific success criteria agreed by the governing body. The School Development Plan is updated annually. Questionnaire responses from parents and pupils are also considered when setting priorities.

The main focuses of the SDP are based on a range of factors including:

  • Data
  • National Events
  • Priorities identified by the school community

School Development Plan 2017-18


Secondary School Transfer Meeting

Many thanks to all of the Year 5 parents who attended the Secondary School Transfer meeting yesterday.

Please see presentation below. This includes an extra slide with more information on how the applications are processed.

If you were unable to attend the meeting but would like more information please contact Janice in the school office.

Admissions for secondary school will need to be made online; no paper forms will be available. Applications should be made through the Southwark Admissions website. If you are not a Southwark resident, please apply through your own borough.

The Starting Secondary School in Southwark 2018-19 brochure is a useful resource.

Safer Internet Day

This Tuesday was Safer Internet Day, a day that is very important to our school and pupils. Safer Internet Day is celebrated across Europe and is a partnership between Childnet, Internet Watch Foundation, Insafe-INHOPE network and SWGfL.

In the UK, Safer Internet Day is organised by the UK Safer Internet Centre ( The aim is to celebrate the many positives of the internet,and to raise awareness of the issues that children and young people face online today.

During Internet Safety Day each class spent a lesson looking at an aspect of internet safety relevant to their year group, including a Year 6  LCLC workshop on fake news. Year 3 made posters reminding their friends about how to stay safe online.

Please click here if you are a parent and would like to access free resouces including fact sheets, activities and conversation starters. 



Candlemas Service

Candlemas Service

This morning Class 3 led our Candlemas worship at Southwark Cathedral. They read a passage from the Bible which describes Simeon’s role in the presentation of Jesus at the temple. Next they reflected thoughtfully on the importance of light in our lives and how Jesus is the light of the world.

The congregation all felt that the class were so poised, confident and reflective. 

Here are Class 3′s reflections on Luke 2: 22-36:

When I think of Candlemas, I think of a candle lit to guide me through the darkness. God also appears with his glowing light, bright like the sun and guides me through. Danielle

Light will keep us safe. Jesus is like light because he will keep us safe too. Jesus is our saviour that protects us from danger. Anton

Jesus is the light of the world. A candle light guides us in the dark, God guides us in bad times with his everlasting light. God’s holy spirit spreads love, kindness and most of all light which offers us hope. Rocco

Light is warm and even in the dark you can feel light inside of you. A candle leads you in the dark, just like God. When you are near a candle, it is like you are near a spirit. It leads the way out of the darkness. Saskia

As time goes by, I noticed that there is light with me everywhere. When I go to the park, when I’m at a funfair or even when I’m in bed, there is always some light. I think that light is God shining on us. When light shines on me I think of God. God looking at me and guiding me. Rocco

As time goes by, I noticed that there is light with me everywhere. When I go to the park, when I’m at a funfair or even when I’m in bed, there is always some light. I think that light is God shining on us. When light shines on me I think of God. God looking at me and guiding me. Zachary

Light helps me think about Jesus who guides us through our lives step by step. Jesus is the light of the world, he keeps us warm. Chidubem

Everyday there are lots of different types of lights around us. Light glows trustingly in the dark, so we can see. Light is always there for you, like God. Theo

When I look at a candle I remember God and how he is protecting us no matter how much peril we are in. Jesus showed himself to the people in the temple. Anna was patient and when she saw Jesus she felt overjoyed. This shows me that we all have to be patient in life, as what we want in life does not always happen immediately.  Josh

Light makes me feel happy and warm. To me, light shows God’s love for us and shows Jesus as the light of the world. Light leads me down the right path and helps me feel safe after being in the darkness. Bethany

Jesus is the candle that guides us through life. He isn’t like a torch that can shine long distances. Jesus stays with us every step that we take, he is the light of the world. We share this service with you to spread the good news, like Anna, that Jesus is with us. Beatrix

In the story of Simeon, he was given the path of light. Jesus is a miracle who helps us to understand life when things get tricky. He shows us that a mistake is just an obstacle in life that we need to get past and that we can get past it with the help of his guiding light. Elliot

Light helps us overcome fears. Light across our city is wonderful, we can see so far around us. Beauty and joy is in light. Jesus the saviour, shows us the way to God’s heaven through his light. The light that Jesus gives us is a gift from God. Lola

I feel lucky to live in a world of light. You can see light shining and sparkling on the Thames, it is a glorious sight. I know that God will keep his promises like he kept his promise to Simeon. God will show the way, even when there seems to be no way. Swithun

Jesus is the guardian of light and makes the world a better place. Even when we are feeling sad or frustrated at the problems we face, I think it is important to remember that God desires the best for us and that he will guide us out of the darkness. Aldara

The strength of light helps us to do anything we want to do. It keeps us safe and guides us. Light also provides us with peace, and helps to fill a cold empty room with warmth. Dawud



Finally Class 3 shared the prayers that they had written.

Heavenly Father,

Bless your son since he is the light of the world. Now with any light source, I can see in the dark. Thank you for Anna and Simeon’s patience, and that they were kind enough to spread the news that the world had been blessed with the Messiah.




Dear God,

Thank you for candles, fire and all forms of light that guide us like Jesus does in our darkest times.

Please help others in dark countries to receive your light, give them hope and happiness.




Heavenly Father,

Thank you for providing us with light, warmth and love.




Almighty Father,

Thank you for the patient Simeon that waited for Jesus, the Messiah, to be born.

Thank you for Anna who also welcomed Jesus and spread the word.

Thank you for the light that Jesus brought to the world. Please help us to recognise Jesus as our guiding light and to hold his love in our hearts. Help us to spread the word and light that Jesus blessed us all with.




Almighty Father,

Thank you for sending your only son to make the world a better place. He makes us feel safe, and he guides us with his light. Please help those people who seek guidance from you, help them to see the way, show them your light.




Glorious Father of all lights,

We thank you for the light that we celebrate from our lord Jesus Christ, who is the light of the world. As we share this Candlemas service, in honour of Jesus our Messiah, we ask that you guide us down the right path.




Heavenly father,

We are grateful that you shine on us. Thank you for sending us a saviour, we will always remember the day you sent Jesus to Earth. As a result, you made the whole world light up.




Thank you Class 3 and Father Michael for a beautiful service.

Eucharist at Southwark Cathedral


This morning children from Years 4, 5 and 6 (who are communicant in their own church) took part in our school Eucharist service in the John Harvard Chapel. Father Michael led the service and explained each element of the worship as the service progressed. 

If you took part in our worship this morning, please share your thoughts and reflections as a comment.


Arts Week 2018

Arts Week 2018

Arts Week took place between 8th– 12th January at Cathedral School.  This year the theme was ‘Seascapes’.  Children used a range of skills and techniques throughout the week; these are reflected in the wonderful displays showcased in the Key Stage 1 corridor. Classes produced some stunning work, from creative underwater pictures in Nursery to collage pieces of Plymouth Hoe by Class 6.


Nursery worked with a variety of materials to paint and print, focusing on ‘Under the Sea’. They produced some fantastic pieces of work. Children used bubble wrap to create an underwater texture for their backgrounds then printed and stamped the rest of their scenery onto it.


Reception’s chosen seascape was ‘Waterfalls’ and children worked on the skill of using materials to create different textures.  Reception’s waterfalls were based on Victoria Falls in Zimbabwe and they used water colours, poster paints and tissue paper to produce some great pieces of art!

Year 1

Class 1’s theme was ‘By the Beach’; children created sunset beach scenes. Throughout the week they explored different qualities of materials and used water colours to paint the background of their work, then carefully added sand to the bottom of their pictures to form contrasting textures. Finally the children drew small boats onto black card and cut them out to produce the silhouettes in their art work.

Year 2

Class 2 were inspired by Hokusai’s ‘36 Views of Mount Fuji’, creating their own prints of London landmarks for Arts Week. Children designed their own prints then completed their work using printing blocks. Class 2 also had a trip to the National Gallery for some Art inspiration!

Year 3

Class 3 produced some excellent pieces of work for their theme, ‘Rivers’. Pupils used a range of techniques such as printing for their backgrounds and collage for their rivers to create representations of river movement.

Year 4

Class 4 created a beautiful boat display for Arts Week, with work focusing on Brixham Harbour. Children used collage, painting, layering and sanding skills to produce creative pieces of work, bringing the harbour to London Bridge.

Year 5

In Class 5, pupils displayed their skills in using oil pastels during Arts Week. Children carefully studied the different shapes of waves. They then created their own versions using water paints and oil pastels.  Class 5 produced some very skilful pieces of art work.

Year 6

Class 6 chose the Seascape of Plymouth Hoe for inspiration during Arts Week.  Children created detailed collages and looked at ways to manipulate their paper in order to produce texture and add detail to their work.  This display can be found in the Key Stage 2 corridor.

Well done to everyone for all the hard work. We are so proud of the children and the work they have produced.