Interviewing Tonnie

Today we wrote some questions for Tonnie to find out more about her trip to India. Here are some of our questions and her answers.

Q. How will you get to India? -James
A. By aeroplane. I have to stop in Delhi and then get another plane to Calcutta.

Q. When are you going? -Alfie
A. At the beginning of January.

Q. Are you going to work with Primary or Secondary school children? -Heidi
A. Both. The school has children from the age of 4 to 18.

Q. When will you come back? -Thomas
A. In about 6 months or maybe a bit longer.

Q. Can we stay in contact and write you emails? -Miss Scade
A. Yes Please!

Q. Will you know any of the children’s names before you get there? -Malikyle
A. No, I will have to learn them all like I did when I first started at Cathedral School.

Q. Will you miss us? -Lily
A. Of course!