Autumn 1 – Week 8

Stars of the Week: Ramiah and Robert 

Class 1 had their final session with the gymnastics coach this week. It’s clear that everyone has made incredible progress, learning new skills and gaining confidence throughout the term. Well done Ramiah and Robert for always participating enthusiastically! 

This week in Class 1

This half term has been fantastic for Class 1, with so much learning and progress made across all subjects! The children have worked incredibly hard and should be proud of everything they’ve achieved.

In Computing this week, we focused on some important skills. We started by revising how to log in using a username and password, and the children are becoming more confident with this. Next, we practised using the keyboard, where everyone had a go at typing their names in Microsoft Word. Along the way, we also learned how to use the backspace key to fix mistakes and the capital letter key to make sure our names were correctly written.

It has been great to see the children grow in their confidence with technology, and we can’t wait to build on these skills in the next half term!

In Art, the class collaborated to create their own version of Kandinsky’s concentric circles. Each child contributed their own square to complete the final masterpiece. Staff members have even said it looks like it belongs in a gallery—I’m sure you agree!

Parents Evening

Thank you so much for attending parents evening this week. It was lovely to catch up with you about your child’s progress in Year 1 so far. 

Finally, I hope you all have a wonderful half term and a restful break! 

Miss Kandiah

Autumn 1 – Week 7

Stars of the Week: Tiwa and Leiys

In art this week, we concluded our work on Kandinsky and created pattern monsters inspired by his abstract paintings. Tiwa and Leiys took their time to choose patterns for their monsters and used colour theory to choose bright colours to paint their monsters. 

This week in Class 1

This week in maths, we have continued our work on adding to 10.  The children were introduced to simple addition, learning how to combine numbers to create number sentences, such as ‘2 + 3 = 5.’  They have even embraced the challenge of word problems. 

➡️ Example:

First there are 3 ducks in the pond. Then 2 more ducks join. How many ducks are there now? 

The children carefully wrote their numbers and symbols neatly into their books to create a number sentence. Have a look at some of their work below.

Have a lovely weekend! 

Miss Kandiah

Autumn 1 – Week 6

Stars of the Week: Joseph and Araliya 

Well done Joseph and Araliya for showing perseverance in  our computing lesson this week. Class 1 practised their control with the trackpad on the laptops by using Paint.
This Week in Class 1
In Maths this week, we’ve started exploring part-whole models! The class has been learning how to use parts to find the whole. We used cubes to help us visualise and work out different combinations, making it hands on. The children did a fantastic job understanding how smaller parts come together to form the whole, and they were excited to try out different number pairs! We have even started writing number sentences using the  + and = signs.  Next week, we’re going to begin our work on number bonds to 10.
Have a lovely weekend,
Miss Kandiah

Autumn 1 – Week 5

Stars of the Week: Erin and Michael-Romeo

Erin and Michael-Romeo followed instructions carefully to make menorahs in our RE lesson on Judaism. They also took the time to support others in the class! 

This week in Class 1

This week in RE, we wrapped up our topic on Judaism! The children have been fantastic at remembering so many different facts about how Jewish people worship. We explored how some traditions are similar to Christianity and how others are unique. It was wonderful to see everyone making connections and showing such curiosity.

To finish off our topic, we combined art with RE and created our very own menorahs!  The children used oil pastels to beautifully colour in the seven candles and then added a special touch with gold paint for the base. The results were fantastic! 

A big thank you to Margaret, who has worked hard to put up a wonderful display of the children’s menorahs for everyone to admire.

Have a look below at the fantastic artwork!

In Science, we used the Now Press Play experience for the first time in Class 1. The children put on their headsets and immersed themselves in a story all about different types of animals. They were responsible for classifying the animals after a disaster at the zoo!

Have a lovely weekend,

Miss Kandiah

Autumn 1 – Week 4

Stars of the Week: Anxo and Meadow

Anxo and Meadow have worked hard to use capital letters, full stops and finger spaces in their writing this week. Keep up the fantastic effort!

This Week in Class 1:

In science this week, we explored the five senses. We sang a song to remember which parts of the body were associated with the 5 senses and then we took our learning outside to put them into practice.  The children thought carefully about what they could see and hear in the environment around them. They could see a big tree, the Shard and the school! They could hear cars, children playing and aeroplanes. Then, they had a fun challenge—closing their eyes to see if they could guess what they could smell. So many of them correctly guessed that it was a tomato and I definitely didn’t see any peaking eyes!  Afterwards, they reached into a bag and used their sense of touch to describe what they could feel. It was an exciting hands-on way to experience our senses in action!


Autumn 1 – Week 3

Stars of the Week: Dhani and Leon

Dhani and Leon worked diligently during our art lesson on colour mixing, showing great focus and creativity. They explored how to mix primary colours to create secondary colours. 

This week in Class 1

This week, Class 1 had an exciting time creating colour monster wheels, inspired by the work of the artist Kandinsky. The children were brilliant at recalling facts about Kandinsky, especially how he used colour theory in his artwork. We started by revising our primary colours—red, yellow, and blue—before exploring how to mix them to create secondary colours like green, orange, and purple. The children loved experimenting with the different colour combinations, and their colour monster wheels are a fantastic display of their creativity and learning. Take a look at some of their wonderful examples!

In English, Class 1 worked in groups to retell the events from The Tiger Who Came to Tea by creating their own story maps. Each group put the events of the story in order. After working together to make their posters, the children proudly presented them to the class, explaining the scenes using words like ‘first’, ‘then’ and ‘finally’. It was wonderful to see how well they remembered the events and worked as a team to bring the story to life. Well done, Year 1!

Finally, thank you for attending the curriculum evening earlier this week. I hope it was informative! As always, I am available at 8:40 everyday to discuss any quick concerns or questions. 

I have attached the slides from the curriculum evening if you were not able to make it. Please let me know if you have any questions. 

Have a lovely weekend, 

Miss Kandiah

Curriculum Evening 2024-2025

Autumn 1 – Week 2

Stars of the Week: Jack and Ella 

Jack and Ella, along with the rest of Class 1, have worked hard in phonics this week. They have been listening carefully to make sure they are saying sounds accurately and blending confidently to read words. 

This week in Class 1

This week in Class 1, we have been mathematicians, historians, scientists, artists, musicians and even actors! The children have enthusiastically engaged in a wide range of different learning experiences.

In Maths, we have been practising counting objects up to 10. I have been impressed at how confident the children are with their counting. We have also practised using tens frames to represent objects as counters. Next week, we will be moving on to finding one more than a number! 

In English, we have started reading our class text, The Tiger Who Came to Tea. The children listened to the story carefully and were able to retell the events confidently. This was seen in action when they acted out the first part of the story. We imagined what Mummy’s reaction would have been to the tiger eating all of the food in the kitchen. It’s safe to say we definitely have some future actors and actresses in this class!

Autumn 1 – Week 1

Stars of the Week: Ralph and Ariella A

Well done Ralph and Ariella for settling into Class 1 so smoothly. You have worked hard in lessons this week, particularly in the maths lesson on counting objects.

What a fantastic start to the year we’ve had in Class 1! The children have settled into their new classroom with such enthusiasm and positivity. They’ve quickly learned and embraced our daily routines and their teamwork has already earned them a few marbles in the class marble jar! It’s wonderful to see how well they are working together and helping each other. Keep up the great work, Class 1.

Summer 2 – Week 7

Stars of the Week: Jabez and Irene

This week, Class 1 carried out an investigation to find out what is magnetic and what is not. They went around the classroom with magnets and tested lots of different objects. Afterwards, they wrote their findings into a table. Class 1 then thought about what all of the magnetic objects had in common and found out that all of them were made of metal.

Summer 2 -Week 6

Stars of the Week: Leopold and Arabella

This week, Class 1 started making the algorithms for their space races on Scratch Jr. They took their time to carefully change the colour of the sprites to match what they planned last week. They also decided who they wanted to win the race by speeding up or slowing down the sprites.

In DT, Class 1 designed their moving pictures which they will make next week. Everyone decided what they would have on their picture and how it would move. They considered using a wheel, a lever or a slider. We look forward to seeing how they are made next week!