Flat Stanley


Class 2 have really enjoyed reading about Flat Stanley’s adventures. When we finished the first book, we discussed what we liked about it.

Lots of children thought it was funny, particularly the parts when…
“… Stanley got stuck up a tree.” Blubelle
“… Arthur flew Stanley as a kite.” Freddie
“…Stanley had to wear a dress.” Heidi

Other children liked the chapter ‘The Museum Thieves’ because…
“… it was set at night.” Albert
” …Stanley caught the sneak thieves.” Glennis

Some other comments were:
“I liked it when Stanley was a surfboard because it was silly.” Amaan
“My favourite part was when Stanley wore a cowboy suit because I thought he might ride a horse.” Imran
“I liked the ending because the brothers were friends again so they weren’t lonely.” James