Class 2 speak Indonesian


Class 2 have been learning how to speak Indonesian during International Week. Watch the videos below to improve your spoken Indonesian.

Learn to introduce yourself in Indonesian:

Learn to say numbers in Indonesian:

Learn to count to 100 in Indonesian:

Learn to ask ‘How much?’ in Indonesian:

Class 2 learning about growth in animals


Class 2 have been busy in Science learning about growth in animals. They have been learning about the differences between adults and offspring in mammals and reptiles. They learnt how mammals often look after their young for a long time whilst reptiles often lay eggs and leave their offspring to look after themselves.

Here are some photos of Class 2 measuring growth rates in humans and thinking about the factors that effect the rate of growth in humans. They discussed diet, lifestyle and genes as factors effecting growth.

Su1Wk7 Homework

Weekly Spellings – hard c sound

Below are the spellings for this week’s Spelling Test in Class 2. To prepare for Year 3, we will be focusing more closely on spellings over the coming weeks. As there will be more spellings to learn each week in the Extension Challenge we will complete less SPaG work.

The theme for this week’s spellings is – hard c sound.

Hard c sound – k spelling

  1. bank
  2. plank
  3. tank
  4. blank
  5. week

Hard c sound – ck spelling

  1. block
  2. black
  3. brick
  4. thick
  5. quick

Extension Challenge

  1. coat
  2. quickly
  3. blanket
  4. donkey
  5. jacket
  6. chicken
  7. uncle
  8. baker
  9. cracker
  10. pumpkin

Additional writing challenge

Write the spellings in joined-up handwriting.

Arithmetic – thirds of numbers

Below is an outline of how to develop skills in calculating thirds of numbers.

  1. Count in 3s writing down each number – 0, 3, 6, etc until you get to 36.
  2. Write multiplication facts for the 3 x table – 1 x 3 = 3, 2 x 3 = 6, etc until you get to 12 x 3 = 36
  3. Write related division facts – 3 ÷ 3 = 1, 6 ÷ 3 = 2, etc until you get to 36 ÷ 3 = 12
  4. Choose any number from the list you wrote for Task 1 then calculate 1/3 of that number, e.g. 1/3 of 18 = 6, etc.


  1. Calculate 2/3 of numbers by calculating 1/3 of a number and then multiplying the answer by 2, e.g. 1/3 of 18 = 6 and 6 x 2 = 12 so 2/3 of 18 = 12

The tests will be on Friday 27th May.

Well done to Year 2 on their work during SATs Week

Class 2 have been working very hard during SATs Week. The whole class worked thoughtfully and carefully and tried their very best.

They completed one Spelling Test, one SPaG Test, one Arithmetic Test, one Maths Reasoning Test and two Reading Tests.

The class needed to focus very hard for the whole week and now that they are finished they can enjoy some creative activities in International Week.

Everyone working with Class 2 is really proud of their effort and determination.

Class 2’s adventure playgrounds

Class 2 have been studying an exciting topic this half-term – adventure playgrounds.



They have researched different playgrounds and created a theme for their own model playground. They are now creating their own model playground using card.

You can see how they are getting along by viewing the photographs below:

Introducing Indonesia

                                      Image result for indonesia flag

Class 2 will be studying Indonesia during International Week 2016.

They will be learning about the human and physical geography of the country as well as looking in greater detail at the country’s animals, art and religious beliefs.

Here are some facts about Indonesia:

the country is made up of 1000s of islands; Image result for indonesia facts

it has the world’s 4th biggest population; 

it is home to the world-famous Komodo Dragon; Image result for indonesia facts

it is home to over 100 active volcanoes; and Image result for indonesia facts

the biggest religion in Indonesia is Islam. 


Watch the videos below to learn more about Indonesian animals.

Watch the video below to learn more about the beautiful Indonesian island of Raja Ampat.

Watch the video below to see an Indonesian festival that took place in London.

Su1Wk5 Homework

Weekly Spellings – f sound th spelling

Below are the spellings for this week’s Spelling Test in Class 2. The theme for this week’s spellings is –f sound th spelling.

F sound – th spelling

  1. clothes
  2. think
  3. thank
  4. bath
  5. thumb
  6. thick
  7. three
  8. throat
  9. thought
  10. fifth

Extension Challenge

  1. thunder
  2. through
  3. threw
  4. theft
  5. thief
  6. tenth

Additional writing challenge

Write the spellings in joined-up handwriting.

Additional writing challenge – write these words in exclamations (if possible)

In Year 2 exclamations take the form of What or How statements. What a mistake! or How noisy!)

More SPaG resources are available on the Class 2 blog.

How sore is my thumb!                

What an amazing thought that is!=

Arithmetic – ordering weights and measures

Below is an outline of how to develop skills in ordering weights and measures

  1. Use a ruler to accurately measure, in cms, five different objects around your home.
  2. Put the objects in order from smallest to longest and then from longest to smallest.
  3. Find five different containers in your home that contain liquid. Read the label to find out much liquid they contain.
  4. Put the containers in order from the least amount of liquid to the most.
  5. Find five different tins/jars/boxes in your home that have a weight. Read the label to find out how heavy they are.
  6. Put the containers in order from the lightest to the heaviest.
  7. Look at the weighing scales in your home. Put objects on the scales and read their weight.

The tests will be on Friday 13th May.