Su2Wk2 homework

Weekly Spellings – or sound

Below are the spellings for this week’s Spelling Test in Class 2. To prepare for Year 3, we will be focusing more closely on spellings over the coming weeks. As there will be more spellings to learn each week in the Extension Challenge, we will complete less SPaG work.

The theme for this week’s spellings is – or sound

Or sound – al spelling

  1. talk
  2. walk
  3. stalk
  4. chalk

Or sound – au spelling

  1. sauce
  2. pause
  3. cause
  4. launch

Or sound – aw spelling

  1. jaw
  2. draw

Extension Challenge

  1. walked
  2. talkative
  3. fault
  4. vault
  5. haunt
  6. dawn
  7. hawk
  8. squawk
  9. thaw
  10. lawn

Additional writing challenge

Write the spellings in joined-up handwriting.

Arithmetic – quartering numbers and calculating ¾

Below is an outline of how to develop skills in quartering numbers.

  1. Count in 4s and write the numbers in order, e.g. 0, 4, 8, etc
  2. Halve all the numbers.
  3. Halve all the numbers again. You’ve just quartered the numbers!


  1. Multiply by 3 all the numbers that you wrote for #3. You have just calculated ¾ of the numbers.
  2. Answer this, what is similar between ½ of a number and 2/4 of a number?
  3. Practise writing fraction notation ½, ¼, ¾

The tests will be on Friday 17th June.

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