
Today, we made block prints inspired by Hokusai’s 36 Views of Mount Fuji as part of our topic on Japan.

First, the children sketched a London landmark that can be seen from the Thames, then carved it onto a foam block with a pencil. Next we used printing inks and rollers to apply colour to the block, before printing the design onto paper.

Then we connected each piece of art into a panorama of the River Thames!

Well done, Class 2!

Spring 2 Week 3 – Collective Worship

Stars of the Week: All of Class 2

Well done to all of Class 2 who demonstrated their creativity and passion for learning in our Collective Worship this week. It was wonderful!

Next week we will be learning… about the famous biologist, Charles Darwin, as part of our topic on living things and their habitats.

Last week, Class 2 really enjoyed book week and found out all about Ada Lovelace, the inventor of the first programming language. The class thought about jobs they would like to have in the future and wrote riddle poems to describe the jobs. They also wrote letters to people who have their ideal job.

Book Day was jam-packed with reading activities! We shared our writing with Class 1, read with Class 6, had story time with Debbie and teachers from other classes. The book character costumes were spectacular too!

Spring 2 Week 2 – Reptile Life!

Stars of the Week: Anderson and Charles

This week we had a visit from Reptile Life and met some amazing animals, including two kinds of tortoise, a boa constrictor, a skunk, a bearded dragon and a tenrec. Charles and Anderson asked thoughtful questions and behaved brilliantly around the animals. Both children have also been doing their own reading and research about habitats and food chains to help with our science topic this term.

Super scientists, well done!

Spring 2 Week 1 –

Stars of the Week: Nifemi and Morraya

Well done to Nifemi and Morraya who have returned to school this week with an excellent attitude and ready to try their best. Both children have been challenging themselves to write at greater length in English and thought carefully about how to improve their writing by adding description.

We have begun learning about Japanese traditional tales in English lessons, and wrote our own traditional tales inspired by The Princess and the Herdboy and The Spider Weaver.

Here are some super sentences from the stories Nifemi and Morraya wrote this week:

“The rainbow had very very beautful colour.” – Morraya

“Long, long ago lived a queen who sewed the stars for the Milky Way.” – Nifemi

Next week, we will be learning about the mathematician Ada Lovelace, our focus for Book Week!

Spring 1 Week 6 – The Jungle Book

Stars of the Week: Funmi and Terrence

This week Class 2 have been creating kennings about jungle animals and turning them into riddles. Funmi and Terrence both produced excellent poems, thinking carefully about how to give clues to describe their chosen animal.

Who am I?
slow mover,
Dangerous hunter,
Meat eater,
Loud growler,
Great teacher,
Sharp feaster.
Baloo the Brown Bear

by Funmi

Who am I?
Great hunter,
Fast runner,
Fierce hunter,
Dangerous scratcher.
Bagheera the Black Panther

by Terrence

After half term we are learning… about Japan. We will study the geography, read Japanese traditional tales in English and explore the art traditions.

Spring 1 Week 5 – History Day!

Stars of the Week: Beatrix and Shia

Well done Beatrix and Shia for writing such thoughtful diary entries in role as an animal from the Royal Menagerie. Since the 1200s, kings and queens kept all sorts of wild animals in the Tower of London and were sometimes given creatures such as polar bears, lions and elephants as gifts from the kings of other countries. We imagined what it must have been like for those animals and described how they were treated in diary entries.

Dear Diary,
These people don’t treat me well. I’m captured and chained up. I don’t know what to do. They do let me swim in the River Thames but I’m still chained up. It is very bad water in the River Thames. I came from the Arctic. It is not that cold in England. It’s hot. I miss my family and friends.
From the polar bear.

Dear Diary,
People don’t treat me well. I want to go to my normal home! I am scared. I want more fish. I am so starving now! I came from the Arctic. I travelled for thousands of months!
From the polar bear.

During History Day, we made coats of arms and built castles out of different construction materials. We also learnt a song called ‘The King is in His Castle’ and made up some verses of our own.
What a historical day!

Spring 1 Week 3 – The Tower of London

Stars of the Week: All of Class 2!

This week, Class 2 visited the Tower of London to research our history topic. The whole class showed the curiosity of real historians and returned to school brimming with new knowledge. We are now writing guides to the Tower of London for a class display.

Well done!

Next week we will be… completing guides to the Tower of London, using headings to organise writing and adding detail and description with adjectives.

Spring 1 Week 2

Stars of the Week: Amaris and Thomas

This week, we learnt about how the Tower of London came to be built following the Battle of Hastings. We wrote letters in role as William the Conqueror giving orders for the fortress to be built.

Thomas and Amaris thought really carefully and included lots of historical detail. Well done!

Next week… we will be finding out lots more about the Tower of London during our school trip!