Autumn 2 Week 2

Stars of the week: Zane and Joyce

Well done Class 2 for a fantastic collective worship! During the week, children have worked wonderfully in mathematics on developing their understanding of column addition as well as there understanding of verbs and adjectives. In Geography they have been exploring how to use atlases and in Science they explored what materials are used in our environment and how they are used. Well done Class 2!

Autumn 2 Week 1

Stars of the week: Leo H and Nika

Class 2 have worked wonderfully in mathematics on column addition as well as thinking of effective adjectives to describe characters in English. In Geography they have shown a good knowledge of map symbols and in Science they showed a developed understanding of materials and their uses. Well done Class 2!

Autumn 1 Week 8

Stars of the week: Ariana and Arthur

Class 2 have worked wonderfully in mathematics on their addition and subtraction as well as learning how to use complementary colours in art. Well done for being a fantastic team who celebrate each others successes and are quick to show their appreciation. We are proud of you. Great first term!

Autumn 1 Week 7

Stars of the week: Mia and Leopold.
Class 2 have been working fantastically on addition by bridging to ten. In English, children have been writing their diary entries as Neil Armstrong and his historic moon landing. On Tuesday Class 2 had a great trip to the Science Museum where they explored the history of flight, rockets and the exploration of space!  Well done Class 2!

Autumn 1 Week 6

Stars of the week: Leo L and Eloise.
Class 2 have been working fantastically on their number bonds up to 100 in Mathematics. In English, children have been publishing their amazing dragon poems and reciting them. In History, the class have been learning all about the astronaut Neil Armstrong. Finally in Science, children have been learning about the importance of exercise. Well done Class 2!

Autumn 1 Week 5

Stars of the week: Tireni and Ryan.
Class 2 have been working very well in Mathematics counting on 2s, 5s, 10s and 3s. In English, children have been planning and building on a wordbank to use for their dragon poetry. In History, the class have been learning all about Antarctic explorers. Well done Class 2!

Autumn 1 Week 4

Stars of the week: Sienna and Timothy

Class 2 have been working very well in Mathematics comparing and ordering numbers and objects. In English, children have been learning about alliteration and onomatopoeia as well as discussing what makes an exciting dragon poem. In History, the class have been learning all about Amelia Earhart. Well done Class 2!

Autumn 1 Week 3

This week’s curriculum evening slides are available here:

Star of the week: Lucia and Elishua

Class 2 have been working very well in Mathematics estimating numbers on a number line. In English, the children have been learning about imperative verbs and adverbs as well as creating a class wordbank for their instructions on how to to take care of their dragon inspired by the book ‘Tell Me a Dragon’ by Jackie Morris. In RE, the class have been learning all about Rosh Hashanah. Well done Class 2!

Autumn 1 – Week 2

Star of the week: Loardes and Romeo

Class 2 have been doing great teamwork in Mathematics counting in tens and ones, then moving onto partitioning numbers up to 100. In English, the children have been using adjectives and similes to write imaginative descriptive sentences about a setting in the story ‘The Tin Forest’. In PSHE, the class have thoughtfully discussed positive emotions and drew a fond memory they have that is precious to them. Well done Class 2!


Autumn 1 – Week 1

Stars of the week: Freiya and Gabriel

This week in maths we have been revising how to count to 20 and using dienes to make numbers up to a 100. We have also been planning and writing a recount of our summer break and learning what an explorer is. In computing we discussed what a digital footprint is and in science we learnt about the life cycle of animals including humans. Finally in RE we learnt about symbols and meanings in Judaism. The children have done fantastic work and had a great start to the term! Well done Class 2!