Spring 1- Week 1

Stars of the week: Aviva and Christine


This week, year 3 have started their topic of romans. In English, we started to read some roman myths and act them out as we imagined ourselves to be the gods on mount Olympus. Year 3 had a great memory for the god’s names and powers and have started some great pieces of writing. Well done year 3 for such an amazing start to the term!

Autumn 2- Week 7

This week has been a busy but exciting week for year 3! We have been working to describe a winter’s scene in English and have come up with some amazing descriptive phrases such as ‘crisp air’. We have been having so much fun getting ready for Christmas, meeting Santa and getting excited for our class party! Year 3 loved taking part in our house tournament! Everyone worked hard to win their house valuable points and we were all very proud of our house champions.

Autumn 2 – Week 6

Stars of the week: Lara and Taylie

This week, year 3 have been very busy learning about Skara Brae- a stone age settlement in the Orkney Islands. They virtually explored the village and thought about what some of the houses might have been used for based on the features we learned about. We also had the magical experience of meeting Santa at his grotto in Dalston Junction! We competed in musical statues and chatted to Santa and his elves, what a wonderful week!

Autumn 2 – week 5

Stars of the week: Orpheus and Ava


This week, year 3 took part in the Cathedral Christmas service! They sang beautifully and all made sure to have a smile on their faces throughout the performance. We also got the opportunity to visit the Unicorn theatre where we watched Odd and the frost giants! We learned a lot about norse myths and that hero’s can come in all shapes and sizes. Well done year 3!

Autumn 2 – Week 4

Stars of the week: Ella and Grace


This week, year 3 have been learning about the stone age. We have been researching the food people in the stone age might have eaten and designing a plate based on this research. We then used our research to write a non chronological report on the stone age during our English lessons so that we could share this knowledge. If we ever find ourselves to have fallen back in time to the stone age, like our main character from the stone age boy, at least we will know what to expect!

Autumn 2 – Week 3

Stars of the week: Alberto and Alyssa

This week year 3 have been working hard to investigate the Stone age. They explored how Stone age people lived and compared it to the Bronze and Iron ages to see how houses changed through out time. In English, they continued this learning by writing fantastic setting descriptions based on the book ‘Stone Age Boy’. They thought about what smells they might encounter, like wood smoke and meat cooking. Well done for another great week year 3!

Autumn 2- Week 2

Stars of the week – Emma and Yousef

This week year 3 have been practicing their fielding and striking skills in PE. They displayed the importance of sportsmanship during our rounders games, supporting each pupil batting regardless of which team they were on. Every time we played year 3 learned from their mistakes and the fielding teams have improved their skills hugely. We can’t wait to see more friendly competition in the future!

Autumn 2- Week 1

Stars of the week: Tara and Tehya


This week, year 3 have been working hard writing their creative stories for the BBC 500 word story competition. We have created tales with a variety of heroes and villains, from swiss cheese to wizards. Year 3 staff were so impressed with the creativity and hard work they put into their stories and we have our fingers crossed for every entry! We also moved on to a new topic in math’s, looking at addition and subtraction. Year 3 have put all of their place value knowledge into practice when we tackled column addition and subtraction. Well done year 3!

Autumn 1- Week 8

Stars of the week – All of Class 3!


Well done for such an amazing collective worship. We are so proud of what class3 achieved this week for using loud voices to show case their fantastic work! We were especially impressed with their beautiful singing which got us all in the mood to climb Ben Nevis, thanks year 3!

Autumn 1 – Week 7

Stars of the week: Alexander and Amelia

This week, Year 3 got the opportunity to attend a virtual Geobus workshop on fossils. They learned all about how fossils are formed and how they are found. This was all useful knowledge for their activity where they got to explore different fossils in 3D using special glasses! We had the best time at the workshop and we are excited to take part in more of them.