Year 3 act out their own myths

After some hard work learning about the features of playscripts, year 3 wrote their very own mythical playscript. The playscripts were so brilliant, we decided to act them out in the green room with lights! Due to the wonderful stage directions, adverbs and exciting punctuation written in the playscripts, year three were able to act out their plays like true professionals.

Some actors in the making. Well done!


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Year 3 create a better internet!

To celebrate UK Safer Internet Day 2014. Year three looked at how they can create a better internet.


Firstly, the pupils discussed what they are doing to make the internet a better place. The pupils then discussed how their conduct online and behaviour can help shape a better internet.
On a ‘Three Stars and a Wish’ sheet, pupils filled in three things
they are already doing to make a better internet (on the stars), and one new thing they plan to do (on the cloud). The children wrote suggestions such as using their manners and showing respect to other children when online and reporting any comments or content that is upsetting to an adult immediately.


Go forth year three and help create a better internet!


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Year 3 light up Southwark Cathedral!

Congratulations to Year 3 for leading a special Candlemas service at Southwark Cathedral.

Year 3 worked very hard on their speaking skills in the run up to the service. This included projecting voices clearly, making eye contact and speaking at a suitable pace. All the practising paid off – every single word could be heard and they looked wonderful – beaming confidently at the audience and walking delicately across the floor.

The theme of the service was light. The children wrote reflections and prayers on this theme, based on a reading from Luke 2: 22-36.

Here are some of the reflections:

Light shines and keeps me warm which reminds me of God’s love. Light in the sky above our heads is beautiful. I am grateful for such beauty. Reon

Light is like a torch in a dark gloomy room, it leads you and gives you a path. If we feel sad, the light will make us happy because it reminds us that Jesus was sent to Earth to save us.Dotty

Light guides me, like it guided Simeon. It reminds me of God’s love and Jesus, who died on the cross to save us. I hope, in my life, that I can help people who struggle to be guided by the light. Light brings so much joy to our lives. Parker

Light helps you to follow God’s words. Without God’s light, the world would be a glum and scary place. Mary and Joseph were happy to hear Simeon’s words. I am happy when I feel the light of God’s love. Evelyn

Without light the world would be dark and sad. Light reminds me of God and I feel special because I know God. I am grateful to God for his love. James

Light means to me that Jesus is the Light of the World. He shines the bright stars above. I do my best to shine at school, at home and when I am with my friends. I know that the light of God is in me because I believe like Simeon did that Jesus is my Saviour. Chinenye

When light comes out, the world moves, plants grow, the animals sing and the humans walk and talk. Light over London is stunning, shining on the flats, gleaming in the parks, across the sky, glistening on the Thames and radiating on the bridges. Millie

A selection of prayers:

Dear God, Please help those who live their lives in darkness. Help them find happiness through your guiding light. I pray to you for my family who help me shine brightly each day.Amen
by Joseph

Dear God, Thank you for your light. Please help those who live their lives in darkness. Thank you for my loving family who lead me down the right path. We pray for those who need to live and keep warm in your amazing light. Amen
by Layla

Loving God, Thank you for light here and everywhere all over the world. Your light helps and guides us. I also thank my friends and family who also help guide me. Amen by Teygan

An excellent day for Year 3, well done!

Some pictures from the service (waiting nervously and leading the service):


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