Class 3 light up the hall with their display for World Faiths Week

Well done to Class 3 for working hard towards a wonderful class display with Class 4. And look how beautiful it is!

Your paper tissue candle holders look wonderful with the ‘real’ lights inside, how exciting. You very skilfully drew Menorah candles (with nine candle sticks this is very tricky!) and then created wonderful collages of chosen materials that reminded you of light to decorate your drawings.

Your Hanukkah Acrostic poems were also excellent and we will put them up in the classroom (picture to go up here soon).

Dazzling delightful work Class 3!

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Class 3 Create Scary Setting Brainstorms !

Well done to Class 3 for brainstorming excellent ideas for their setting descriptions today. The children worked on using their senses to describe settings. We looked at how we could use: sight, smell, sound and touch to write imaginative story settings. We focused on a picture of a disused tube station in London (as it currently looks), and used our senses to brainstorm ideas. We then put our ideas onto post-it notes around the picture.


An excellent start to our unit on familiar settings in literacy. Well done!



Ideas included


I can see the dark dreary walls


Old bonfire smells wafted all around


I touched the hard ice-cold walls








Class 3 explore light for World Faiths Week

Well done to Class 3 for a fantastic start to the year.


We have been learning about how light is symbolised in different religions, in particular we have been looking at Christianity and Judaism.


We have been working on various activities including: Writing acrostic poems, decorating candle holders and creating Menorah collages.


More pictures to follow next week.


This is us acting out the story of Hanukkah in our groups.

Class 3, why is light so important in the story for Hanukkah?




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