Class 4 love being scientists!

During Science week, we experienced many areas of science. We explored properties of materials, guessing what was in different boxes by listening to sounds and feeling the weight of the materials. We predicted what was in each box – paperclips were particularly hard to predict, because they are smooth and light metal.

We also carried out an experiment to diffuse skittles. We added cold and hot water to skittles. The results were staggering, look at the colour patterns created! The hot water almost dissolved the skittles! We learnt about two processes happening – the colour and the sugar dissolved into the water and then defused through the water.

We had a morning with Professor Wizz Kid, who taught us all about forces – we even made our own paper aeroplanes to experience the different forces.

Throughout the week, we linked our learning to different areas of the curriculum – we wrote persuasive letters to Skittles, explaining how much sugar is in Skittles and how bad this is for our teeth. We also wrote instructions on how to find out how much sugar is in skittles.

A fun-packed week of Science!

3 thoughts on “Class 4 love being scientists!

  • 08/06/2017 at 6:33 pm

    I love being a scientist.You get to do really cool experiments, like Thomas Edison did!

  • 08/06/2017 at 7:45 pm

    i loved being scientist it was SO MUCH FUN!

  • 08/06/2017 at 8:01 pm

    I loved it when Professor Wizkid came to do some science with us. It was absolutely phenomenal! My favourite part was when we all made paper aeroplanes. He told us to throw the paper aeroplanes at his nose. I was close, but not close enough. One person actually aimed for his nose and they hit it!


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