Autumn 2 Week 1 – Geography

Stars of the week: Rileigh and Funmi

This week, Class 4 have been using their navigation skills to find and label European countries on a map. They discussed the location of the countries and wrote an information text about a capital city in Europe. Class 4 also researched the national dishes of countries around the world and how climate, wealth and location can impact the food that is available.

In Maths, Class 4 have started their new topic of measurement. They explored the classroom with a ruler, and looked at the different ways to measure objects. They wrote down the measurement in cm and we discussed how we can convert the measurements into equivalent (equal) units.

In English, we have started out new class text – the playscript of Beauty and the Beast. The children have been incredibly sensible during the reading of each scene and worked hard to provide a summary of events. Well done Class 4!

We have our class collective worship next Tuesday and we can’t wait to show you all of our amazing learning!



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