Spring 1 Week 4 – Maths

Stars of the Week: Alpha and Saraea

This week in Maths, Class 4 have been continuing their work on multiplication. They have looked at multiplying 2-digits by 1-digits and progressed onto 3-digits. Alpha and Saraea worked incredibly hard to recognise the individual place values of a number and showed clear workings out of their methods.

In English, Class 4 planned out a performance for King Henry VIII. They considered the type of performance it would be (magical, musical or theatrical) and the extent to which it would impress the king! Next week we are going to start writing a set of instructions about the performance and how it can be prepared, practiced and then performed.

Spring 1 Week 3 – Art

Stars of the Week: Annamaria and Noella

This week Class 4 have continued their Art topic by looking at the colours and patterns Yayoi Kusama used in her artwork. They made their own paper viewfinders and placed them across her artwork. From this, Class 4 sketech our patterns and added them to a reference bank. Annamaria and Noella worked particularly hard focusing on each of the patterns and discussed Kusama’s use of contrasting colours to create impact.

In History, Class looked at the power  of  Tudor exploration across the world. They looked at 5 main explorers and their journeys – namely Sir Francis Drake who spent 3 years travelling around the whole world! Next week we are going to look at the impact of their explorations.

In English, Class 4 have started to think about advertising their royal Tudor banquet and how they can create a persuasive poster and letter to  King Henry VII.

Spring 1 Week 2 – History

 Stars of the Week: Terrence and Bea.

This week, Class 4 got stuck into their History topic which is the Tudors. The children worked hard to research Tudor life and how different it could be if you were born into wealth or poverty. They considered the variety of clothes they wore, the food they ate, the houses they lived in, and the entertainment that they enjoyed. They created some great spider diagrams about each of these aspects, and these will help them with their writing task in English. It was interesting to hear that most of the children felt that they would have wanted to be a poor Tudor instead of a wealthy one, as life felt more family-focused and sociable.

In English, Class 4 started to consider how they could organise their own Tudor banquet at one of their palaces – in the hope of receiving an appearance from Henry VIII! They are going to start writing their persuasive adverts next week, and develop some posters to advertise their banquets that are fit for kings.



Spring 1 Week 1

Stars of the Week: Polina and Martha

Class 4 have made a brilliant start to the half-term. We have started our new history topic which is the Tudors, and the children started to look at the different monarchs that reigned during the period. They created a timeline of events and explained which monarch they felt was the most successful – some even said Queen Mary I (nicknamed Bloody Mary for her violence!)

Class 4 have also started to plan out their Picasso-inspired abstract self-portraits for the hall display. Polina and Martha were great at considering the different patterns they wanted to include and how these could be presented alongside each other.

Next week, we will continue our work on multiplication and division in Maths and we are excited to start our new class text – The Thief, the Fool and the Big Fat King.

Autumn 2 Week 6

Stars of the Week: Shia and Amaris

This week, in English Class 4 have started to write their playscripts about a new scene in Beauty and the Beast. They considered the different stage directions to include, and how these can change the expressions of each character and how they would move around the stage.
All of the children worked incredibly hard and their playscripts are starting to look great!

In R.E., Class 4 looked at the Epiphany story and we looked at how the 3 wise men have been portrayed across the years in various artwork. The children also thought about the symbolism of the gifts given to Jesus and came up with their own gifts that they would give. All of their gifts were so thoughtful that I have decided to create a display with them.

In D.T., Class 4 finished off their Science topic of electricity by making some torches! They had great fun assessing the factors why their torch might not be working, and what they can do to fix it – such as a broken electrical circuit or a temperamental wire.

Autumn 2 Week 5 – English

Stars of the Week: Fintan and Deborah

This week in English, Class 4 have been planning their own play script! They looked at the key features within a play script and started to discuss ideas and plots they could write about, which would continue the story of Beauty and the Beast.

They produced some great ideas and we are looking forward to writing them next week, with the aim of being able to perform them once they are finished!

Autumn 2 Week 4 – DT

Stars of the Week: Annamaria and Morraya

This week in DT, Class 4 have been looking at the different designs of pizza boxes. They discussed the effectiveness of bright colours and the impact of just a simple design with a logo. They started to sketch out their own pizza company logos, gave their company a slogan and planned out a pizza box of their own.

Next week, we will be following some instructions on how to make our own pizza boxes!

Autumn 2 Week 3 – Geography

Stars of the Week: Joni and Anderson

This week, Class 4 have been looking at the difference between weather and climate. They analysed the climate zones within Europe, and explored the different ways they can be represented on maps. The children were able to explain why some countries might have a hotter climate than others (and consequently why the U.K. always seems to be raining!)

In Maths, Class 4 have concluded their learning on measurements. They all worked really hard to understand the conversions between mm and cm, cm and m, and m and km. Also, they were able to see the pattern between the conversions and able to apply them to some worded problems.

In R.E., Class 4 have continued their learning about Advent. The children discussed why the act of giving is so important around this time of year, and what we can do as a class to give to those who are less fortunate (that isn’t just in the form of presents). They came up with some great ideas such as giving/ spending time with loved ones, and baking lots of cookies to give out to people.


Autumn 2 Week 2

Stars of the week: All of Class 4.

Well done to all of Class 4 for such a great collective worship. It was great to show the rest of the school all the amazing work you have produced. You all spoke with such maturity and confidence and it was a true reflection of your efforts.






In Maths, the children have continued our work on measurement and started to look at metres and centimetres.

In English, the children have started to plan out their balanced argument based on the Beauty and the Beast playscript. Should the Father leave the family to go and search for his rescued boat? Or is it a trap?


Autumn 2 Week 1 – Geography

Stars of the week: Rileigh and Funmi

This week, Class 4 have been using their navigation skills to find and label European countries on a map. They discussed the location of the countries and wrote an information text about a capital city in Europe. Class 4 also researched the national dishes of countries around the world and how climate, wealth and location can impact the food that is available.

In Maths, Class 4 have started their new topic of measurement. They explored the classroom with a ruler, and looked at the different ways to measure objects. They wrote down the measurement in cm and we discussed how we can convert the measurements into equivalent (equal) units.

In English, we have started out new class text – the playscript of Beauty and the Beast. The children have been incredibly sensible during the reading of each scene and worked hard to provide a summary of events. Well done Class 4!

We have our class collective worship next Tuesday and we can’t wait to show you all of our amazing learning!