Maths Day 2013


Class 5 have been very busy indeed today…with Maths Day! To start with, we found out all about Mr Scott’s new times-tables challenge (and most of us got our first silver star); we went on to use an online database to identify, collect and present information about football. We did some really interesting investigations! There was some ground-breaking research comparing top footballers’ weight to number of goals scored, while other teams compared the points won to goals scored, or the number of goals scored by specific footballers over time.

We then practiced our mental maths skills (many of us earning the highest number of points in a test yet) and calculations. In the afternoon, we learnt how to calculate volume, before investigating the volume of open top boxes which could be made from the nets formed within squares. Systematic keeping of results meant that some very interesting links were found with square numbers.


What did you learn today?

What did you enjoy most?

How does a good mathematician investigate?

Is there anything else you would have liked to investigate?



Book Week!

This week has been really busy in Cathedral School, as we have been celebrating books and reading in our annual Book Week; Class 5 have:

  • Read The Firework Maker’s Daughter by Philip Pullman
  • Written our own adventure stories
  • Dressed up as some of our favourite characters (well done Sakshi for winning the Class 5 prize)
  • Named our Book Week Stars of the Week: Krestian and Marjaan
  • Read to some of our parents in our wonderful library
  • Chosen a story that we would like to hear, and gone to listen to other teachers read
  • Completed a tally chart and graphs of our favourite books (to encourage Mrs Rees to buy sets for Guided Reading)
  • Recommended books to friends

What was your favourite part of Book Week?  Did you hear about any exciting books, that you haven’t read before?


Here are some pictures of us, taken today:

Class 5’s Assembly

On Tuesday 5th March, we celebrated assembly and invited our parents to join us.

We talked about God’s Miracles, how they have inspired others in times of struggle and what they mean to us; watch our assembly to find out more!

What miracles from the Christian Faith do you know? What miracles from other Faiths can you name?