Literacy Lessons – Au1 Wk6


Class 5’s Literacy lessons on the week beginning 6th October will all be based around reading comprehension skills. We will build up our reading skills and use what we’ve learnt to write detailed book reviews over the course of the week.

In order for everyone to complete the work fully we will all need to read at least one Roald Dahl book at home over the course of the week. If you don’t have access to any Roald Dahl books at home then let Mr Antcliffe know and he will provide one for you. You will need to bring your book to school with you everyday as we will be referring to them in each lesson.

Enjoy reading these stories and we’re looking forward to seeing some fantastic book reviews at the end of the week.

Class 5’s trip to the Islamic Cultural Centre and Central Mosque

The trip to the Islamic Cultural Centre and Central Mosque gave Class 5 the opportunity to learn more about the Islamic faith and to study in more detail the specifics of Islamic art and architecture.

Look at the photos below and see how many of the questions you can answer. Post your answers in the comments section below.

Before the trip, Class 5 discussed why it is important to be respectful in a place of worship. They talked about the ways in which they could respect the rights of everyone to follow a religion of their choice. During the visit, their behaviour and inquisitiveness was so impressive that after the trip their guide, Jayde, sent the following email to school:

‘Salam Mr Antcliffe,

It was a real pleasure to host your pupils today. They were a really well behaved bunch, and the school should be really proud of them, mashAllah. If they have any more questions, please feel free to compile a list and I will provide the answers as best I can insha’Allah.

Sincerely with salams,

Well done Class 5 for impressing the people at the Islamic Cultural Centre so much.

Mental Maths practice

The link on this page takes you to 5 Mental Maths tests that you can use to help you to practice your mental maths skills. This will help you to improve your scores on our weekly tests.

How to use the tests

The tests have the answers next to each question. Ask someone at home to read the questions to you and then fill in the answers on the answer sheet. Make sure you stick to the timings on the test (only take 5 seconds for the 5 Second Questions) and focus on any questions that you get incorrect so you can improve your score the next time.

Click here



Class 5’s Book Group



If you’re as passionate about books as I am then you’ll love the opportunity to write a book review so that you can recommend great books for other people to read. On this blog entry you can write a review of a book that you’ve read recently.

In your book review try to include:

what you enjoyed about the book;

a quick summary (but don’t tell everyone exactly what happens – we don’t want to ruin any surprises that might be at the end of the book!);

why someone else should read it; and

a mark out of 10 so that people can get a good idea about how much you liked the book.


Presentation in Class 5

Here are some guidelines for presenting our work in Class 5.

Let’s aim for 10 out of 10 presentation for every piece of work we produce. It’s achievable if we concentrate hard and accept nothing less than the best from ourselves.

Presentation Guidelines

Marks out of ten:

3 out of 10:

  • Work is difficult to read
  • Pages have been left blank
  • This work must be copied out at home

4 out of 10:

  • Date and/or Learning Objective are not underlined
  • More than one line has been left between questions or after the date/Learning Objective
  • Writing is often not on the line

5 out of 10:

  • Work is set out appropriately
  • Writing is not joined or is messy
  • On occasion, writing is not on the line

6 out of 10:

  • Work is set out appropriately
  • Writing is joined and clear but not appropriately/regularly sized

7 out of 10:

  • Work is set out appropriately
  • Writing is appropriately sized, but some letters are not formed correctly

8 out of 10:

  • Work is set out appropriately
  • All letters formed correctly, but there may be some irregularities

9 out of 10:

  • Work is set out appropriately
  • All letters formed correctly, with very few irregularities

10 out of 10:

  • Layout is in line with school expectations
  • All letters and joins are formed according to school expectations