Spring 1 Week 1

Stars of the Week: Caitlin and Aarav

This week in Class 6 we have been looking at Ancient Egyptian artwork and how they used different patterns and techniques. We also started our work on hieroglyphics and had a go at writing our name, our favourite colour and favourite meal all out in the different symbols.

Also this week, we began looking at the hierarchy system that was present in Ancient Egypt and what it meant for your life if you were  as farmer, an enslaved person at the bottom of the system, or as a noble or pharaoh at the top of the system.

Autumn 2 Week 7

Stars of the Week: Cam’ron and Daniela

This week, Class 6 took part in the House Tournament. This involved a variety of skill-based challenge such as: throwing a ball into a pot, remembering a series of numbers and balancing Jenga pieces on top of each other. Well done for showing good sportsmanship throughout and for being so encouraging to everyone who took part.

Last week, we had a great visit from Father Christmas! Each child received a present from Father Christmas before the Grinch tried to steal it off them! Please see the photos below.



Autumn 2 Week 6

Stars of the Week: Sonny and Ava

This week in Geography we have been looking at time zones. First, we looked at why time zones exist and then we began comparing different times around the world. We moved on to starting with a time in London (2pm) and then looking at what the time would be in different cities, using both the atlases and the time zone sheets.

In Maths this week we have been looking at number sequences and finding the ‘nth term’. We looked at the difference between each number and then placed that before ‘n’ as it is out times table. Then we calculated the difference from the times table to the actual number in the sequence – simple, right? Well it was for Class 6 who worked so hard on this and have grasped this abstract concept very well. Well done!

Autumn 2 Week 5

Stars of the Week: All of Class 6

This week, Year 6 have had two fantastic trips: one to the Garden Museum, and the Junior Citizenship Scheme. Well done to everyone – your behaviour throughout was exemplary. During the workshop at the Garden museum, the lecturer spoke to Mr Henshaw and commended you on how well you listened and were engaged throughout (usually she teaches year 7s and year 8s and she said you were one of the best behaved classes she’s ever had!)

For the JCS trip, we visited a number of different workshops from the ambulance service to TFL to learn about safety and the emergency services. Once again, your behaviour was exemplary and you asked such well-considered and interesting questions. After each workshop, a score /10 was awarded for listening and behaviour – in all of the workshops, we scored 15/10 and the lead instructor said he has never seen a score awarded so high!

Well done Class 6.



Autumn 2 Week 4

Stars of the Week: Astrid and Ethan

This week in Maths we have been looking at ratio and proportion. In order to get our teeth into proportion, we had our own Great British ‘Proportion’ Bake Off! Each baking week, we had to change the ratios of the ingredients to make specific. For example, if a recipe made 8 servings and we only needed 4 servings, we would halve each of the ingredients. If a recipe made 5 servings and we needed 15 servings, we would multiply each ingredient by 3.

Each team made it to the final week, and the winning ‘star bakers’ were… EVERYONE!



Autumn 2 Week 3

Stars of the Week: Jacob and Chiugo

This week in English, we began planning out a diary entry about Harry Potter’s journey to Diagon Alley. We discussed the different shops that Harry visited with Hagrid and began to create some rhetorical questions that Harry might have towards his life.

Well done to all of Class 6 for their fantastic stories that I had set for their homework – they made some brilliant reading and I loved the imagination! House points have been awarded to the stories that really blew me away.

In DT, we have continued our Bee-Bot track project and began creating some rules for the game, thinking carefully to make sure we included every sub-rule. We continued to colour in each of the squares and next week we are going to have a full trial run of the game to see if it works.

Autumn 2 Week 2

Stars of the Week: Cruz and Krislyn

This week, Class 6 have been continuing their DT projects – designing bee-bot tracks! They considered the colours they would use for each grid square and some of the rules that would go alongside their games. So far they are looking great and I cannot wait to see the finished projects!

In RE this week, we started to look at the meaning behind Christmas and how the values are presented through Christmas adverts. Next week, we will look at the gospel’s stories of Christmas and reflect upon how we can ensure we are showing the correct values around Christmas time.

Autumn 2 Week 1

Stars of the Week: Belén and Cameron

This week in English we have started our new class text – Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone. We began the unit by defining some unusual terms that only appear in the Harry Potter books and created our own HP dictionary.

In Maths this week, we have continued our work on fractions and began to look at how we can multiply fractions and mixed numbers and also dividing fractions by whole numbers.