Northern Lights

Stars of the Week: Teddy & Tiyana

This week, we have been working on writing an exciting action scene. We have taken inspiration from the book to help us write some exciting and engaging extracts with a selection of ambitious vocabulary.

We have included some extracts below for you to enjoy.

20 thoughts on “Northern Lights

  • 13/12/2019 at 1:43 pm

    Iorek bounded out of the depot, showering immense torrents of snow in every direction. The fire that was glowing in the colossal eyes of the eerie beast was melting the endless piles of snow. The miserable gloom was intercepted with the flaring furry of the blood-thirsty, spine-chilling flames of Iorek. The fog had a massive impact on Iorek’s vision, yet after a few tedious minutes, he had reached his destination.

  • 13/12/2019 at 1:47 pm

    Iorek’s eyes filled with determination as he barged Lyra and Pan out of the way. He bounded down the steep snowy hill, sending snow cascading in every direction.

  • 13/12/2019 at 1:49 pm

    As his razor- sharp, jet black claws padded along the icy ground, he ran to the cellar with Lyra on his back. Her heart was racing as she was about to take a massive risk. Iorek made a sharp turn over the ice with his face full of determination and anger.

  • 13/12/2019 at 1:51 pm

    The priest hurtled out with his pelican daemon, sending wild flutters of feathers coupled with injured pride everywhere. The police rushed around the corner, some with pistols but others with rifles. A rendering, splintering sound from the back of the room made everyone look back in fear, shivering in their old posh seats. The helmet was pointed with slits for his eyes which meant the lower part was ready for biting and tearing.

  • 13/12/2019 at 1:52 pm

    Iorek bounded out of the depot and along the narrow street, sending snow cascading in every direction. Iorek stopped as the numbing pain fizzed up his un-cut claws. After waiting for what seemed like years, Iorek started to gather strength. He knocked on the dark brown patio doors and roared without hesitation.

  • 13/12/2019 at 1:53 pm

    Suddenly, everything seemed to stop and everyone in the courtyard turned towards the door. Out of the gloom stepped Iorek Byrnison. A bear in armour! Suddenly, all hell broke loose. Guards fired their deadly rifles, filling the air with the pungent smell of gunpowder. Archers fired their razor sharp arrows into the heavy drizzle that was beginning to fall, but, alas, they were no use; Iorek’s armour was designed for this and the gleaming sky iron was not giving in.

  • 13/12/2019 at 1:54 pm

    Hazardously rampaging though the building Iorek jumped through the glass window as if it were paper, whilst the shards flurried like rain drops below. Lyra flinched as he landed with such force it shook the whole island. Iorek charged forward, clutching a sentry’s skull before he cracked it as if it were an egg.

  • 13/12/2019 at 1:54 pm

    Iorek Bryinson hastened with his eyes on the priest’s house with steady concentration. His coat of white fur was as a warm as a winter jacket. Iorek’s paws were moving rapidly across the cobbled streets and were a blur from a distance.

  • 13/12/2019 at 1:55 pm

    “This way!” Lyra guided Iorek Byrnison to the location of his cherished armour by the trustworthy lead of the alethiometer. In the midst of the darkness, a luminous light shone from a diminutive cottage.
    “It says that it is in there,” declared Lyra whilst pointing to the priest’s house. In the blink of an eye, the powerful beast was thundering down the street to retrieve his long lost armour.

  • 13/12/2019 at 1:57 pm

    Lyra sprinted as fast as she could. Pacing behind him, Lyra began to choke as the cold northern air filled her throat. She couldn’t breathe at all. Over in the distance, the powerful beast charged at the wooden door; a cart-load of men came out of the rooms sharing the same alarming look. Iorek gave a blood-curdling roar before attacking.

  • 13/12/2019 at 1:58 pm

    Iorek charged down the white carpet of the road with Lyra close behind, panting heavily as she went. The snow went cascading in every direction, whilst the determination of both Lyra and Iorek grew rapidly.

  • 13/12/2019 at 1:58 pm

    He bounded through the crowds of people and let out an almighty roar as he crashed down the hillside, focused only on vengeance. The moon had appeared at the moment of terror; when the panserbjørne leapt into the frozen air, illuminating his dirty-white fur.

  • 13/12/2019 at 2:00 pm

    Iorek’s dark, bleak eyes lightened as the words: “Your armour is in the church house basement,” escaped Lyra’s lips. Without thinking, Iorek made a full-throated roar and dashed away to the church house.

  • 13/12/2019 at 2:02 pm

    He burst though the hard wooden door as if it were thin air. Everyone was trying to fight the single beast, until Iorek grabbed one the Sysselman and ripped his head and body apart with his jaws. The gruesome scene made everyone sick it was so revolting even the people in the paintings appeared to be looking away.

  • 13/12/2019 at 2:05 pm

    Lyra finally made it to the house, her heart racing as the most intimidating figure she had ever seen emerged: Iorek, a pale white silhouette of pure rage. He instantly subdued the sentry and encased his head in his jaws. Lyra jumped onto Iorek’s back and pressed her fingers into his armour desperately trying to calm him.

  • 13/12/2019 at 2:06 pm

    Hazardously rampaging though the building, Iorek jumped through the glass window as if it were paper whilst the shards flurried like rain drops below. Lyra flinched as he landed with such force it shook the whole island. Iorek charged forward clutching a sentry’s skull in his jaws before cracking it as if it were an egg.

  • 13/12/2019 at 2:07 pm

    Determination consumed Iorek, his big,black, beady eyes were locked onto the priest’s ancient house. He was galloping effortlessly through thick snow. As he planted his huge paws into the ground, it splashed around everywhere.

  • 13/12/2019 at 2:10 pm

    He smashed through the door like it was paper. As his creamy, white fur descended over his muscular body, he shook off the bullets like raindrops. Iorek scraped open a small storage space with his razor-sharp, jet-black claws. There it was! His soul! His daemon! His armour! He was formidable without it, but with it he was a monster.

  • 13/12/2019 at 2:13 pm

    With his sharp claws digging deep into the ground, Iorek pounded past the wooden cottages sending heaps of snow behind him. He was heading to the priest’s house. The bullets were barely getting past his thick hide; Lyra couldn’t dream of how strong he would be with the armour. She was chasing after him struggling to keep up as Iorek smashed into the building in a mixture of excitement and rage.

  • 13/12/2019 at 2:34 pm

    His paws of iron pressed against the soldier’s skull, tempted to devour his minuscule head. The immense figure towered over the solider, darkening the snow surrounding him. Iorek gritted his razor-like teeth and clenched his paws as his rage engulfed him.


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