Poetry Week 2021
We are very excited to be celebrating Poetry Week 2021 and we are particularly looking forward to welcoming the poet Neal Zetter to Cathedral School!
Neal has won many awards and acclaim for his best selling poetry books
Secured major publishing deals with Troika Books in 2015 and Otter-Barry Books in 2020.
He has been performing since 1989 in West End comedy and poetry clubs, theatres, pubs, music venues, schools, colleges, the Royal Festival Hall and many more!
He has hosted adult comedy poetry evenings featuring John Cooper Clarke, Michael Rosen, Attila the Stockbroker and Kate Tempest and many more.
Featured in the London Evening Standard’s `Get London Reading’ literacy campaign in Jan 2012.
Written a wide range of poetry books! Here is a selection of some of the books that we will be reading over Poetry Week which have all been written by Neal:
Please click through the PowerPoint slides for some information about our Poetry Week Competition and to give you some ideas about what type of poem you should write!
Rules of the competition
- You can write your poem about ANYTHING you want to
- You can write any type of poem: limerick, haiku, acrostic, shape poem, free verse, rhyming poem
- There will only be one winner from each class
- The entry deadline is Friday 28th May 2021
- Neal Zetter will be our guest judge for the competition
Entry Form