Issue #13 – 20/01/17 – Arts Week Displays

[heading]Arts Week Displays[/heading]

Dear Parents,

During Arts Week every class created pieces of art around the theme of 'Landscapes'. Each year group proudly displayed their work in the hall. Some classes used a famous artist for inspiration, other classes linked their art to work in other subjects such as geography; Class 1 are studying different climates this half term and chose to create polar landscapes. Year 3 created riverscapes because they are reading Wind in the Willows in English and studying rivers in geography.

N and R

1,2 and 3

4, 5 and 6

Wishing you a wonderful weekend.

Mrs Scott

[box title="Curriculum Overview" color="#0D83DD"]

This week you should have received your child's Curriculum Overview detailing their learning in all areas of the curriculum this half term as well as ways you can support your child at home.


[box title="3 New Awards" color="#0D83DD"]

Before Christmas we received conformation that Cathedral School have won the following awards:



Certificate Background


[box title="Class 3 Candlemas Service" color="#0D83DD"]

Class 3 are leading our Candlemas Service on Friday 27th January. All members of the Cathedral School commuity are warmly welcome to attend.


[box title="Clus" color="#0D83DD"]

Clubs start week beginning 23rd of January. Please see club letter for more details.


[box title="Parents Evening" color="#0D83DD"]

Please note that Parents Evening will take place after school on Wednesday 8th and Thursday 9th of February. More details will be sent out in due course.


[box title="Half Term" color="#0D83DD"]

Half term Dates: Monday 13th February - Friday 17th February


[box title="Policies" color="#0D83DD"]
Safeguarding and Online Safety policies are available on the school website. Hard copies are available through the school office.

[box title="Term Dates 2017 - 18" color="#0D83DD"]
The term dates for the academic year 2017-18 are on the website . As ever, please use them for booking future holidays.

[box title="Attendance" color="#0D83DD"][/box]