Issue #14 – 27/01/2017 – Candlemas Service

[heading]Candlemas Service[/heading]

Dear Parents,

This morning Class 3 led our Candlemas worship at Southwark Cathedral. They read a passage from the Bible which describes Simeon’s role in the presentation of Jesus at the temple. Next they reflected thoughtfully on the importance of light in our lives and how Jesus is the light of the world.


Everybody thought that Class 3 were so confident and composed during the service. The children impressed the congregation with their mature reflections and prayers.

Here are Class 3′s reflections on Luke 2: 22-36:

I know, like Simeon, that Jesus is a light for the world. Shining lights twinkle in the sky, like a glistening firework whooshing across the black night. If they didn’t, we would have nothing to guide us. Joel

Mary and Joseph were happy to hear Simeon’s words. I am happy when I feel the light of God’s love. Light guides me and protects me. Without the light of God, I would feel alone in a dark dull room. I thank God for giving his only son to save us. Caitlyn

Light shines and keeps me warm which reminds me of God’s love. The world was created by God, on the first day when there was light! In life today, sometimes there are dark moments – light should overcome them, if we help it to. It is important to remember that light not only shines outside but that an inner light shines inside us all. James

Jesus shines his light to lead us to happiness. I am often reminded of the power of light when I see the candle glimmering at the front of the hall during Collective Worship. When I see light, I feel like Jesus and God are with me. Arianna

Light sparkles in the sky like an everlasting candle. It has great radiance. God is the light of the world. If we’re on the wrong path, God shines light on us and puts us back on the right path. Jesus is meaningful to life and is a miracle of the world. Daniel

Light glows trustingly in the dark, so we can see. Today we praise light and hope it continues to guide us safely. Light is made in many ways; through kindness, love and courage. As light continues to shine, it show us the beautiful things in the world we live in. Ruby

Light excites me because it shines brightly, which reminds me of warmth. This is a time of reflection for me and I learn new things from the light of the day. Jesus lights the world around us because he everywhere we go, his light is with us. Jeremy

Light makes me feel special because God spreads his love across London, for us. Jesus shines like the bright stars above, at night. I do my best to shine when I can, at school and at home. Suriya

If there was no light in the world, there would be a lot of complications. Jesus taught us about God, some believe this gave us light. Furthermore, light makes me feel joyful because it makes me see better and opens up endless possibilities. Prushott

In the story of Simeon, he was given the path of light. Jesus is a miracle who helps us to understand life when things get tricky. He shows us that a mistake is just an obstacle in life that we need to get past and that we can get past it with the help of his guiding light. Julia

Light helps us overcome fears. Light across our city is wonderful, we can see so far around us. Beauty and joy is in light. Jesus the saviour, shows us the way to God’s heaven through his light. The light that Jesus gives us is a gift from God. Whitney

I feel lucky to live in a world of light. You can see light shining and sparkling on the Thames in the summer. I know that God will keep his promises like he kept his promise to Simeon. God will show the way, even when there seems to be no way. Fiona

Jesus is the guardian of light and makes the world a better place. Light also reminds me of the star that the three wise men followed and how gloriously it shined. Just like the star guided the wise men, light can guide us all down our different paths. If you are feeling sad, you can look up at the beautiful light shining in the sky. Kaijaun

The strength of light helps us to do anything we want to do. It keeps us safe and guides us. Thank you Lord for light and for your light, which helps us to grow. Help us live in your light and let us see your brightness! Albert

Finally Class 3 shared the prayers that they had written.

Dear God
Thank you that we get to learn about Jesus’ light. I pray to you for my family who help me shine brightly each day.
I would like to thank you giving us light so that we can see clearer, and for guiding us in the wonderful world that we live in.


Dear God
Thank you for letting there be light and all the memories we share in light. With light I can learn. I pray that you give light to other countries that are suffering in dark times.


Almighty father,
Thank you for light that guides us through life. Thank you for everything that brightens up our lives such as our communities, families, friends and schools.


Almighty Father,
Thank you for sending your only son to make the world a better place. He makes us feel safe, and he guides us with his light. Please help those people who seek guidance from you, help them to see the way.


Gracious God,
We thank you for the Messiah who led us to you. He is a glorious, thankful and forgiving teacher. We learn from his teaching. The miracles he provided us with, and the sacrifice he made taught us all valuable lessons.


Heavenly father,
We are grateful that you shine on us. Thank you for sending us a saviour, we will always remember the day you sent Jesus to Earth. As a result, you made the whole world light up.


Thank you Class 3 and Father Michael for a beautiful service. More photos of the service will be available on the Class 3 blog soon.

Wishing you a lovely weekend from all at Cathedral School,

Best wishes,

Mrs Scott

[box title="Curriculum Overview" color="#0D83DD"]

You should have received your child's Curriculum Overview detailing their learning in all areas of the curriculum this half term as well as ways you can support your child at home.


[box title="Bake Sale" color="#0D83DD"]

Many thanks to those who are organising a bake sale after school, in the hall on Wednesday 8th February. The bake sale will give you all a chance to stock up on cakes and goodies before Parents Evening.


[box title="Parents Evening" color="#0D83DD"]

Please note that Parents Evening will take place after school on Wednesday 8th and Thursday 9th of February .


[box title="Half Term" color="#0D83DD"]

Half term Dates: Monday 13th February - Friday 17th February


[box title="Policies" color="#0D83DD"]
Safeguarding and Online Safety policies are available on the school website. Hard copies are available through the school office.

[box title="Term Dates 2017 - 18" color="#0D83DD"]
The term dates for the academic year 2017-18 are on the website . As ever, please use them for booking future holidays.

[box title="Attendance" color="#0D83DD"][/box]