Spring 2, Week 4 – Learning about Easter.

Stars of the Week: Micah and James
This week we have been showing Miss Bailey, Miss Godsell and Debbie all of our wonderful learning. James and Micah have been working so hard in their learning at school and at home, that they know most of their letter sounds that we have been learning. Even more impressively, they are beginning to apply them in the writing! Well done both of you!

This week in Nursery we have been thinking about the Easter story. We learned that there are happy and sad parts of the Easter story, like when Jesus arrived on a donkey and the people were waving their palm leaves, and when Jesus died. We shared what we know about Easter. Some of the things we know are that around Easter there are lots of new animals born, like chicks and lambs. We also know that flowers and trees start to blossom again, and there is new life all around. We also know that the Easter Bunny might bring us chocolate!

Next week: In Phonics, we will be learning about the letter ‘e’. In English we will continue to practice blending and segmenting. In Maths, we will be exploring measurement and making sure that we are using the correct vocabulary.

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