Summer 1, Week 1 – Being Kind

Welcome back Nursery! We can’t believe that it is summer term already! Don’t forget as the weather gets warmer and we spend more time outside to bring a hat and sunscreen (for you to put on) and a water bottle filled with fresh water each day.

Stars of the Week: Ava and Toby
Well Done to Ava and Toby who this week showed that they are invisible kindness bucket fillers! They not only thought about all the different ways we could show kindness, but they also made sure that they were being kind all week – asking people to play with them, taking turns and helping.

In RE this week we thought about the school value of Kindness which is a Fruit of Friendship with God. We read ‘Bear feels kind’. In the story Bear shows kindness to his friends, his family and even people he doesn’t know. We also found out that everyone has an invisible kindness bucket – which fills up each time someone is kind to us. When it is full, we are happy. When it is empty, we are sad. Nursery thought about ways in which we could help fill someone’s kindness bucket!

Next week: In Phonics we will learn about the letter ‘r’. In Maths we will continue learning about addition, by counting two groups to find the total. In English we will be learning a poem about oviparous animals, which we are excited to share with you next week!

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