Autumn 1, Week 5

We are fabulous artists!

This week in Nursery we painted self portraits! We looked in the mirror and talked about what we could see. We know that everyone looks different!

Take a look at our fantastic self portraits!

We have also been practicing the routines of the day such as hanging our coats and bags onto our pegs in the morning; remembering to stop and listen when we hear the tambourine, and tidying up at the end of the day. Miss Bailey and Sara are proud of the progress the children have made in their independence since the first week of Nursery!

Stars of the week!
Elishua and Lottie!

Miss Bailey and Sara have been particularly impressed with Elishua and Lottie this week. They always stop and listen the first time they hear the tambourine, and have been extremely helpful with tidying up at the end of each session. Well done you two!

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