Autumn 2, Week 2!

During this half term our topic is ‘Traditional Tales’. This week we read ‘Little Red Riding Hood’ and discussed the characters, the setting, and the main elements of the story.

We then packed the basket that Little Red Riding Hood took to Grandma, and wrote a list of what we had included. Miss Bailey and Sara were impressed with our confident pencil grip and control, and our ability to ascribe meanings to our marks. We are also now beginning to listen carefully for the initial sound that we can hear in a word, and record it!

Meadow and Liv!

Our Stars of the Week are Meadow and Liv, who both enjoyed exploring the ‘Little Red Riding Hood’ story this week, and could talk about the different features of the story.
Both girls could choose what to put in Grandma’s basket, and thought carefully about the sounds they could hear in each word!
Well done!

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