Autumn 1, Week 4!

This week in Nursery we read the story of ‘Noah’s Ark’.
We learnt how God sent a flood and told Noah to build an ark, taking two of every animal with him.

The children talked about the story, demonstrating their understanding:
“They had an ark to be safe.”
“God said he would paint a rainbow. The rain was going to make a river. Noah saved all the animals.”
“The nice man built the ark.”
“Noah built a big boat for all the animals and him!”
“the animals were safe on the ark. The water came down.”
“There were lots of colourful animals. Noah made the ark.”
“The animals wanted to get on the boat.”

We made arks and chose two animals to go inside. We decorated them with colourful rainbows, because God sent a rainbow to Noah, because he was special!

Keep a look out for our arks on a display in our classrooms in the next couple of weeks!

Billie and Florence
Billie and Florence both enjoyed learning the story of Noah’s Ark this week. Both children were able to talk about the story, understanding the main parts and their favourite parts.
Well done girls!

Autumn 1, Week 3!

This week we have been reading ‘The Great Big Book of Families’. We have been thinking about how every family is different, but they are all special.

We also started to think about how we all look different. We used mirrors to look at ourselves and talk about the colours of our skin, hair and eyes.
We then painted our self portraits and hung them in the Nursery art gallery!

Caragh and Iker!
This week we have been practicing tidying up the different learning areas. Caragh and Iker have been very sensible and helpful, remembering where things need to be put away, and making sure the Nursery looks tidy!
Well done you two – thank you for being so helpful this week!

Autumn 1, Week 2!

A big welcome to all our new families, and a massive WELL DONE to all the Nursery children, as they complete their first full week at Nursery!

Miss Bailey, Sara and Debbie have been so impressed with how quickly they have settled in. Everyone is making friends, sharing their thoughts and ideas with the class, and beginning to understand the daily routines. The Nursery staff have really enjoyed getting to know the children!

Please take a look at some pictures of us enjoying our first week!

ALl the children have been super stars this week! We are very proud of how well they have settled in, and the progress they have already made!
Well done all of you!

Summer 2, Week 5!

Nursery enjoyed a fabulous trip to the farm today!
As part of this term’s topic, we visited the farm to learn more about the types of animals that live there.

We travelled by bus, and were all super sensible.

We saw ducks, geese, ponies, sheep, goats, cows and pigs! We all had the opportunity to feed the goats, and it was so much fun!

Please take a look at the photos from our trip…

All the children in Nursery!
Miss Bailey and Sara were so proud of how sensibly the class travelled to and from the farm today. Everyone was a credit to Cathedral School.
Nursery – you are all super stars!

Summer 2, Week 4!

Our RE topic this half term has been ‘God’s Wonderful World’. We read ‘The Creation Story’, and learnt that God created the world in 7 days.
We each painted part of the Creation Story, using our phonic knowledge to write key words or a short sentence.
Take a look at our fantastic paintings and writing…

Nyra and Joseph
Nyra and Joseph really enjoyed learning about The Creation Story. They are able to talk about the different things God created on each day, and created brilliant paintings for our RE display!
Well done you two!

Summer 2, Week 2!

This week in Maths we have been learning more about addition. We know that you have to count all the objects in both groups to find the total.
To link with our ‘Growing’ topic, we made addition ladybirds.
We counted out the spots on each wing to find the total.
We are beginning to write addition number sentences, using the plus and equals symbols.

Meadow and Jack
Both children worked really hard during our Maths activities this week. They both put in lots of effort, and it is great to see the development they have both made in their understanding of numbers over the year.
Well done Meadow and Jack!

Summer 2, Week 2!

This week we have enjoyed spending lots of time outside, in a cool, shaded area under the trees.

The children enjoyed participating in calming activities such as drawing, reading stories and building with lego.

Miss Bailey and Sara have also been so impressed with how much progress the children have made in Phonics this year. The children have been practicing their independent writing this week – applying their phonic knowledge to write simple words. We have also focused on our letter formation, ensuring we are using the correct directional movements.

Here are some photos of the children using our outside classroom this week…

Nina and Julie-Maria
Well done to both girls who have worked really hard in Phonics this week. Miss Bailey and Sara are very proud of how much progress you have made in your independent writing over the year.
Well done!

Summer 2, Week 1!

The children have had a fantastic first week back, getting straight back into the daily routine and remembering the rules of the classroom!

To link in with this half term’s topic, our new role play area is a farm and farm shop.

All of the children had a part to play in the design of the role play area, thinking about what we might find in a farm and a farm shop, and what props we could make or use in there.

Everyone helped to paint the farm animals that are on the wall – it was a real team effort!

Well done to everyone in Nursery. You have all come back to school ready to learn, remembering our class rules and daily routine!

Summer 1, Week 3!

This week we have been learning about the King’s Coronation.

We made cards that we are going to send to the King at Buckingham Palace!

We also had a tea party to celebrate the Coronation! We made our cucumber sandwiches, cut the strawberries and also had a delicious donut! It was great fun!

Ella and Lilian
Ella and Lilian have both enjoyed spending time in our Reading Garden this week. They were both able to use the pictures to talk about what was happening, discuss their favourite parts of the story, and apply their phonic knowledge to look for sounds they know!
Well done both of you!

Summer 1, Week 2!

In Nursery we have a friend called Sound Spider. Sound Spider only talks in sounds – so we have to help him blend together the sounds he says, to make a word.

This week we have helped Sound Spider blend sounds together to make lots of CVC (consonant, vowel, consanant) words. It is a fun game and also helps us develop our blending and segmenting skills – a crucial part of early reading and writing development.

Tiwa and Liv

Miss Bailey was so impressed with Tiwa and Liv’s phonic knowledge – and the way they could independently apply this during our Phonics focus group session this week.
Well done to both of you!