Information for Prospective Parents for Nursery Reception or In Year Applications
Prospective Tours for Parents applying for Reception & Nursery
School Prospectus
This is the prospectus of Cathedral School.
Video of the school
This is a video which staff and pupils made to give you a flavour of Cathedral School.
There is lots of information about Nursery and Reception on this webspace:
Applying for a place in Reception (Sept 25)
You can apply for a place in Reception if your child’s date of date of birth falls between 1 September 2020 and 31 August 2021.
You can start applying from 1 September 2024 and submit your application before the closing date in January.
Applications for Reception Class will need to be made online; no paper forms will be available. Applications should be made through the Southwark Admissions website. If you are not a Southwark resident, please apply through your own borough. Please see Southwark Council’s How to Apply Online page.
The Starting Primary School in Southwark 2025/26 publication will only be available online this year. This publication will give you information on all schools in Southwark including their admissions criteria.
If you do not have access to the internet at home, you can apply online at any One Stop Shop or in any of the local libraries.
We appreciate that this arrangement may prove difficult for some families. Please feel free to speak to the school office if you need any help or assistance.
The supplementary application form (only required for families applying for a foundation (church) place) is below, and this form also provides full details of the admissions criteria for your reference:
If you would like to apply for a Foundation Place please download and complete a supplementary form above, alternatively visit the school office for a paper copy. Please ensure you meet the admissions criteria before you complete this form. This supplementary form and your online application need to be completed if you wish to apply for a Foundation Place.
The deadline for applications to Southwark: 11.59pm on 15 January 2025. The date for any appeal hearing will be in July and the date is to be confirmed.
Please note that children attending the Nursery Class at Cathedral School cannot be guaranteed places in the Reception Class and parents will need to apply separately for such a place.
Applying for a place in Nursery (Sept 25)
You can apply for a place in Reception if your child’s date of date of birth falls between 1 September 2021 and 31 August 2022.
You can start applying from 1 September 2024 and submit your application before the closing date (12 noon 14th February 2025.)
The form can be downloaded here and be returned to school via the office: Nursery-Application-Form-2025
If you are applying for an open place, you do not have to answer questions regarding faith on the application form. You only need to answer the faith questions and supply a clergy reference if you wish to be considered for a foundation (church) place.
Applying for an In Year place
At Cathedral School we manage our own in-year applications.
Parents can apply for an in-year school place by completing the application form below. Upon receipt of an In Year application, we aim to notify families of the outcome of their application in writing within 10 school days. Where an application is refused, reason for refusal will be given and information about the right to appeal.
In Year Application Form & Policy
Admissions Consultation 2025-26
In accordance with the School Admissions (Admission Arrangements and Co-ordination of Admission Arrangements) (England) Regulations 2012, The Cathedral School of St. Saviour & St. Mary Overie is conducting a consultation regarding the admission arrangements for the academic year 2026-27.
The consultation period will run from December 19th 2024 to January 31st 2025, inclusive.
Please see proposed admissions policy and consultation changes document below.
Please note that there will be no changes to the Published Admission Number (PAN), which will remain at 30. The categorisation will continue as foundation and open places, with the designated numbers as follows:
- Foundation: 15
- Open: 15
Current | Proposed change | |
Foundation Places
Section A |
The Governing Body has designated 15 places to be offered to pupils whose families (i.e. parents/carers and child) worship regularly at Southwark Cathedral or St Hugh’s Bermondsey (part of the Cathedral parish). Any unallocated Foundation places would then be available to applicants who worship at other Anglican churches within the Deanery of Southwark and Newington, and then to members of other Christian churches within a mile of the School.
Removal of ‘within a mile of the school’.
The Governing Body has designated 15 places to be offered to: · pupils whose families (i.e. parents/carers and child) worship regularly at Southwark Cathedral or St Hugh’s Bermondsey (part of the Cathedral parish). · any unallocated Foundation places would then be available to applicants who worship at other Anglican churches within the Deanery of Southwark and Newington · then to applicants who worship at other Anglican churches · and then to members of other Christian churches |
Please review the attached documents and share any feedback. Please submit all comments/queries to by 31st January 2025.
Admissions Consultation Change Document
Reception-Admissions-2026 – 27 DRAFT