Home Reading

This week, home reading has started in Reception.
All children have 2 books to take home and read with a grown-up.
We ask that children be read with at least 3 times a week.
After reading please put a comment about the reading in their blue Reading Record books.
Whilst being able to read the text is important, similarly children need to be fully understanding what they have read. At the back of the books you will find some questions that you can ask after reading the book. Questions such as ‘Why did the character do that?’ allow you to see if they have really understood what they have read.
Books will be changed on a weekly basis.
Please ensure that both of the books, as well as the Reading Record are brought to school every day.

Happy Reading!

Welcome to Reception!

Welcome to Reception’s blog! Please comment on any posts that you read, the class really enjoy reading them together.

We have had a very busy first week in Reception, with everyone settling in really well!

Here are our Class letter and Curriculum Map for Autumn 1. If you have any questions please come and see a member of staff!

Class letter Autumn 1

Reception curriculum map Autumn 1 2014

Here are a couple of photos of us being busy learners! (More will be up next week!)