Reading in Reception

Just a short reminder about Home Reading in Reception.

Thank you for all the reading you are doing at home. Reading books will be changed at some stage during the week. We do not have a set day for book change, as sometimes timetable changes pop up!

The Oxford Reading Tree Scheme Books will only be changed if they have been read and recorded in the Reading Record at least 3 times over the week.

If you are finding that your child has become very familiar with the text, you could ask them to try and put the words in another sentence or write them out for spelling practise. And of course, read your own books in addition!

If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to speak to a member of staff.

Have a great weekend!

WOW! Stickers

WOW! Sticker 2

We really want to celebrate all the things that your child does at home as well as what we observe them do at school. Anytime your child does something that makes you think “Wow!” please write it down on one of the sticky labels your child has in their plastic reading wallets. This can be done whenever you feel it is appropriate and we can then peel off these stickers and add them to your child’s profile in school.
Here are some examples of what you might write on a Wow! Sticker:

Name: Ben
Ben got himself dressed ready for school all by himself and was able to turn his jumper the correct way round when he realised it was inside out. He even attempted his shoelaces and with a little bit of help succeeded in doing them up.

Name: Asif
Asif puts shopping into his basket, counting each item as it goes in. “I have 10 things”. He then looks at his sister’s basket and counts how many items she has. “You have 11 things, that is 1 more than me”.

We really value our partnership with you at home and look forward to learning more about your child from you.