Autumn 1- Week 7

It has been a very busy half term in Reception and the children are all now settled into the routines of the day and have grown in confidence and independence. This week, the children have investigated 2D shapes and their properties and used 2d shapes to make pictures. We have also been reflecting on what we have enjoyed learning about this half term. The children said that they’ve most enjoyed using natural materials such as flowers and stones to make transient art pictures of their faces, reading lots of ‘Marvellous Me’ themed books in the reading garden and making rockets for DT week!

Very well done Reception on a great first half term!

Stars of the week: Amelia and Fintan

Here are some pictures of this week’s learning:

This week in phonics, we have finished introducing Phase 2 sounds and have been applying these sounds to write lots of consonant-vowel-consonant (CVC) words such as man, pin and sun.

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