Summer 1, Week 6

Stars of the week: Everyone

All of the children have successfully made it to the end of the first half term. A big congratulations to all!

We hope everyone has a well deserved break next week.

This week we had the honour of welcoming Ross Montgomery, author of many children’s’ books including ‘Ten Delicious Teachers’. He presented our morning assembly and held a workshop with the Reception class.

When we return, our half term topic will be: Our Place in Space

In Literacy we’ll be introducing poetry, specifically space-themed poetry. The children will read short poems and discuss what they like or dislike about each poem. We’ll practice rhyming words together and learn about what this entails.

In Mathematics we will be using Numicon to look at the composition of numbers up to 20.

In Art, we will be painting and collaging our own outer space scenes. You’ll get to see these in our Collective Worship on Wednesday 12th!

In Week 4 of the new half term, we’ll be thinking about what makes us unique. For the session, it’d be wonderful to have photos of the children as babies. We’ll see if they can recognise each other! Please feel free to send in a copy of a baby picture of your child so that we can begin to gather these together.


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