Billie and Pharaoh
Well done to both children who were full of enthusiasm for Spanish Day! They enjoyed taking part in all of the activities, especially the flamenco dancing workshop!
Great work, Billie and Pharaoh!
Reception had a great time last Friday, taking part in Spanish Day! They learnt some Spanish words, enjoyed listening to some stories read in Spanish, and took part in a flamenco dancing workshop!
Miss Bailey and Sara have been so impressed with everyone trying their best this week, showing us what they have learnt so far this year in Reading, Writing and Maths. Well done to you all!
Next week:
Phonics: We will continue to consolidate our blending and segmenting, reading and spelling skills.
Writing: We will continue to apply our blending and segmenting skills to support our writing, as well as begin to look at simple sentence structure, using capital letters, finger spaces, and full stops.
Maths: We will be looking at one more and one less on a number line, as well as simple addition number sentences and the symbols ‘+’ and ‘=’.