Autumn 1, Week 7!


Phoenix and Ralphie

Well done to Phoenix and Ralphie, who were both able to talk about why it is important to look after our teeth, when we were learning about oral hygiene this week.

Great work both of you!


This week we have been thinking about how to keep our bodies healthy. We have been learning about healthy and unhealthy foods, as well as the importance of oral health.

We read the book ‘Which Food Will You Choose?’ by Claire Potter, and talked about the importance of a colourful diet. We know that we can eat treats, but we shouldn’t have them everyday. We also learnt that eating a healthy diet helps our bodies and brains to grow strong, and that healthy foods give us energy!

We have also been learning about the importance of oral health, and foods that are good for our teeth. The children enjoyed brushing the pretend teeth, and spoke about why we should brush our teeth everyday:

“It keeps germs away.”

“To keep our teeth nice and healthy.”

“If you don’t brush your teeth you will get a toothache.”

“You have to brush your teeth everyday to keep them white and shiny!”




Next week we will be learning the phonemes: CK, E, U and R.



Next week we will be applying our phonic knowledge independently to our writing. We will continue to focus on pencil grip, letter formation and name writing.



Next week we will be playing number games to consolidate our number recognition, 1:1 counting skills, and ability to match a number to a quantity.


Autumn 1, Week 6!

Stars of the Week!

Acacia and Aarnavi!

Well done to both girls, who enjoyed learning about and recreating simple repeating patterns this week!

Keep up the great work!


This week we read ‘Pattern Fish’ by Trudy Harris. We learnt that a pattern is something that is repeated over and over, and that patterns can be made with lots of things, including colours, shapes, and even actions!


We created our own 2 and 3 colour pattern fish, using paints and sponges to print or patterns.

Take a look at our blog next week for our pattern fish classroom display!




Next week we will be learning the phonemes G, O, C and K.



Next week we will be recording the sounds that we can hear in words. We will continue to practise pencil grip, letter formation and name writing.



Next week we will be comparing amounts.


Autumn 1, Week 5!

This week we read ‘The Colour Monster’ by Anna Llenas. In the story, the Colour Monster feels very mixed up, and has to explore his different emotions.

We talked about different emotions such as happiness, sadness, calmness and love.

We thought about times we have felt these emotions, and drew pictures into different emotion jars, just liked the Colour Monster did.



These are some of the things that make us feel HAPPY:

“When my brother plays with me.”

“When it snows.”

“A sunshine.”


These are some of the things that make us feel CALM:

“When I go to bed.”

“Relaxing watching TV.”

“My mum giving me a hug.”


These are some of the things that make us feel SAD:

“When my sister doesn’t play with me.”

“No one sharing with me.”

“When I fall over.”



Oliver and Ruby

Well done Oliver and Ruby, you were both able to talk about different emotions, and give examples of when you feel them.

Great work!




We started our Phonics learning this week. Next week we will be learning the phonemes I, N, M and D.



Next week we will be writing labels, applying our phonic knowledge to our writing. We will continue to concentrate on our pencil grip and name writing.



Next week we will be looking at repeating patterns.


Autumn 1, Week 4!

This week, Reception had their first PE lesson! Miss Bailey and Sara were very impressed and proud of all the children! Everyone got changed super sensibly and walked beautifully down to the hall.

This week we played lots of listening games, including ‘Simon Says’ and the traffic light game. We also thought of different animals and the way they might move! The children particularly enjoyed the warm up and cool down exercises, and gave the star jumps, hops, skips and stretches their full enthusiasm! Well done to you all!





Jack and Dhara!

Well done to Jack and Dhara who have demonstrated excellent listening skills this week. They are both super helpful during tidy up time, and had some great ideas about different ways to move during our animal movement activity in PE.

Jack and Dhara – you are both superstars!

Autumn 1, Week 3!

We would like to welcome all of our families to a brand new year in Reception!

During our settling in weeks, the children have enjoyed exploring both our indoor and outdoor classrooms, developing new friendships and getting to know staff, as well as learning the daily routines of the Reception classroom.

Miss Bailey, Sara and Miss Bowen are so impressed with how quickly everyone has settled in, and we are looking forward to a fantastic year ahead!

Please take a look at some photos of the children exploring the classrooms during our first couple of weeks at school…


All of the Reception children!

Reception, you are all superstars! You have all made a great start to school, and you should all be so proud of yourselves!

Great work!

Summer 2, Week 7

Stars of the Week: Jack and Liv

Jack and Liv have been helping to organise the classroom this week. Both have enthusiastically aided the adults to sort different areas of the room, ready for the Transition Morning on Monday 22nd July!

This week in Mathematics the children have looked at word problems involving both addition and subtraction. For example: If Sam had 7 teddies but he lost 3 of them, how many teddies does Sam have left? 7-3=4. You can write word questions like this together at home and have a go at answering them, writing the corresponding sums.

In Literacy we’ve been re-telling stories in our own words and summarising the beginning, middle and end.

This is a skill you can also practice at home. After reading a book together, ask your child to summarise the main plot points. Help them to only relay the important things.

On Monday morning, the children will have time in their Year One classroom, with Miss Kandiah and Margaret!

On the final day – Wednesday 24th July, we are hoping to have to small treat for the children with individual popcorn boxes, cinema style. The children will be able to watch something together with their popcorn. The popcorn with be sweet and salty, nut free and egg free. If you would prefer your child not to have to the popcorn, please let us know in person or via an email to the office by Tuesday 23rd. 

This is our final blog! I would like to take the time to thank all of the parents and families of the children in Reception class. The children are incredible, and your support has been wonderful. I will miss each and every child and I know they will have a fantastic time in Year 1. Thank you all so much,

Miss Hardy

Summer 2, Week 6

Stars of the Week: Erin and Michael-Romeo 

This week the children have been preparing for Year 1 and spending their mornings in quiet groups getting busy independently with various activities, moving around like a carousel. Erin and Michael-Romeo have taken to this brilliantly, being able to get busy quietly.




Summer 2, Week 5

Stars of the week: Jack and Ara liya

These children are our stars for being so sensible whilst outside the school and for representing the school  beautifully on our way to and from The London Aquarium.

This week children have had a lot of fun. First, with you all at our Sports Stay and Play. Thank you to everyone who made an effort and came along – the children loved it. Next they had jam packed morning at SeaLife Centre where they saw everything from jellyfish to penguins. Finally, History Day – we  saw so many incredible costumes. The children took part in a Victorian Toy workshop and a virtual Now, Press, Play listening experience.

Next week will be calmer, with no big events to think about.

In Mathematics the children will be introduced to early word problems involving addition using visual images.

For example, first there were nine carrots on the plate, then two more were added. How many are there now?

You can ask questions like this using the real items that you have at home.

To help us understand the world better, we will be learning about the 5 different senses: taste, sight, sound, touch and smell.

In Literacy, we will be developing our descriptive writing skills and learning to describe a setting whilst thinking about all of these different senses.

For Phonics, we will be beginning their end of year assessments. This could mean children are only read with once this week as the assessments demand an extended one to one session with each child and are equivalent to reading a story.

Have a wonderful weekend,

Miss Hardy

Summer 1, Week 6

Stars of the week: Everyone

All of the children have successfully made it to the end of the first half term. A big congratulations to all!

We hope everyone has a well deserved break next week.

This week we had the honour of welcoming Ross Montgomery, author of many children’s’ books including ‘Ten Delicious Teachers’. He presented our morning assembly and held a workshop with the Reception class.

When we return, our half term topic will be: Our Place in Space

In Literacy we’ll be introducing poetry, specifically space-themed poetry. The children will read short poems and discuss what they like or dislike about each poem. We’ll practice rhyming words together and learn about what this entails.

In Mathematics we will be using Numicon to look at the composition of numbers up to 20.

In Art, we will be painting and collaging our own outer space scenes. You’ll get to see these in our Collective Worship on Wednesday 12th!

In Week 4 of the new half term, we’ll be thinking about what makes us unique. For the session, it’d be wonderful to have photos of the children as babies. We’ll see if they can recognise each other! Please feel free to send in a copy of a baby picture of your child so that we can begin to gather these together.