Every maintained school must publish specific information on its website to comply with The School Information (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2012.
Much of the following information is available elsewhere on the website, but collated here for ease.
School Contact Details
The contact details of the school, including who deals with queries from parents and other members of the public, as well as the contact details of the SENDO, can be found on our Contact Us Page.
School Opening Hours
Breakfast club is open from 7.45am.
The school bell goes at 8.45am.
School ends at 3.15pm.
After school clubs end at 4.15pm.
The school day is 32.5 hours long (not including before and after school care).
Admission arrangements
This is our admission arrangement information page:
Time taken off by Union Officials
The school has fewer than 50 employees and does not have to report on this.
We are rated as an outstanding school by OFSTED. Here is our latest report. You can read the report here. Since then we have continued to strive for further improvement. With continuous focus on developing teaching and learning, attainment is even higher today.
Exam and Assessment Results
The Government provide a website where performance can be compared using a range of criteria: https://www.compare-school-performance.service.gov.uk
Our page is here.
Financial Benchmarking
Governors use financial benchmarking data to set budgets, evaluate value for money and as part of the SFVS (Schools Financial Value Standard) process. The Government provide a website where the school’s financial data can be compared to other schools, using a range of criteria.
Charging and Remissions
Our Charging and Remissions policy can be found on our Policies Page.
Our uniform guidance can be found here.
Complaints Procedure
Our Complaints Procedure can be found on our Policies Page.
Behaviour Policy
Our behaviour policy can be found on our Policies Page.
Pupil Premium
The information about the school’s Pupil Premium funding can be found here: Pupil Premium Information
PE and Sports Premium
The information about the school’s Pupil Premium funding can be found here: PE and Sports Premium
Relationships and Sex Education (RSE)
Our RSE Policy can be found on our Policies Page.
Special educational needs (SEN) report
Our SEND Report and our SEN policy can be found on our Policies Page.
Our Charging and Remissions Policy, Accessibility Plan, Complaints Procedure, Equality Statement and Objectives can all be found on our Policies Page.
Values and ethos
This is our vision statement which, along with the school motto “Life in all its fullness” and our values, encapsulate the work of the school.
For more information on the curriculum please visit our curriculum pages which include information on curriculum intent. Our class blogs are updated weekly and give a flavour of the learning taking place in each class across a variety of subjects. Our English Policy gives details of the phonics scheme we are using: Little Wandle Phonics.
Individuals earning more than £100,000 per annum
There are no individuals employed by the school with a salary more than £100,000.
Paper Copies
If you require a paper copy of any of this information, please contact the office for a copy free of charge.