Last week School Council led assembly, they each explained the importance of School Council and their own role within it.
Everybody has a responsibility. The Chair and Vice Chair take it in turns to lead the meetings. The secretaries take it in turns to write the meeting minutes. The registration officers take the register while the admin officers hand out paperwork at the meetings. The teacher liason reps keep Mrs Scott informed about what they have been doing.
Here are some of the things they said,
“It is our job as School Council to listen to any ideas and suggestions you have on how shape the future of Cathedral School. We then discuss these ideas at our meetings.”
“This year the School Council voted on what colour pen we think the teachers should use to mark our work and decided that orange would be best as it stands out on the page.”
“The teachers now also make their comments in Celebration Assembly shorter and easier read so all classes can understand them.”
“We also fed back your ideas to Mrs Scott about how we could improve our Key Stage 2 playground. There will now be benches, a reading area and more markings on the ground for everyone to enjoy.”
School Council also thanked the children who write comments in their class suggestion boxes. They are discussed with Mrs Scott and decisions are made according to how the suggestions could positively benefit our school.
One suggestion was to have some new celebrations during the weekly Celebration Assembly. School Council went on to teach the whole school the ‘High Five’ and ‘Jazz Hands’.
Finally School Council listened carefully to suggestion children had about how to improve the school. One person wanted a trampoline in the junior playground while somebody else suggested that we have music playing in the dinner hall at lunchtime.
We really value our School Council and the improvements they help to bring about.
There used to be a celebration called the THUMBS UP!