Summer 2 – Week 6

Stars of the week: Sebastian and Dawud

Well done Sebastian for winning the sibling of the year award – that is fantastic news! Well done Dawud for your fantastic singing during our rehearsals for the play.

Last week, we had sports week and we all really enjoyed the brilliant activities Miss Fishwick had planned for us! We also loved supporting the women’s Fifa World Cup! In English, we wrote scene settings imagining we were at the Stade de Lyon for the final match. We had a fantastic afternoon for Sports Day and loved competing against each other in all of the races. Well done Class 4 for your brilliant team spirit!

Summer 2 – Week 4 – Steve Frew Visit!!

Stars of the Week: Grace and Lola

Well done to Grace and Lola for being excellent monitors for our new Dojo Points rewards!! You have been doing a fantastic job!

Last week, class 4 had a fantastic time when Steve Frew visited the school! They really enjoyed the circuit exercises and felt inspired by his talk. This week we have been working on group presentations about the day.

Summer 2 – Week 2 – Myths and Legends

Stars of the week: Franklin and Aldara

Well done Franklin you have worked extremely hard on your writing over the last few weeks. Well done Aldara you have worked really hard at your decimals this week.

This week class 4 have been exploring myths and legends. We have discussed what a myth and a legend is, what the message in the story might be and what might be fact or fiction. We have written a character description of the Minotaur and re-written our own version of Pandora’s box.

Summer 2 – Week 1 – Fractions and Decimals!

Stars of the week: All of Class 4

Well done Class 4 for working extremely well with your learning partners to practise your fractions and decimals.

This week class 4 have worked extremely well in groups and with learning partners to practise their fraction and decimal knowledge. They were very helpful to each other and worked together to solve the calculations. We have been working really hard throughout this year on our maths explanation. I was very proud to see that you are all becoming brilliant at explaining maths problems to a partner! Well done everyone!

Summer 1 – Week 4 – Electricity How it works!

Stars of the week: Swithun and Saskia

Well done Saskia for working extremely hard on your fractions this week. Well done Swithun for working extremely hard on your descriptive writing.

We have been looking at electricity and how it works this half term in Science. We explored the classroom looking at what appliances require electricity – we found a lot! This week we have been looking at simple series circuits and what is needed to make sure the electrons travel around the circuit and light up the bulb.

Summer 1 – Week 3 – Explanation Text.

Stars of the week:

Xavi – Well done for getting top scorer for your football club!

Beatrix – you are working extremely hard and you are always kind and respectful to your friends and teachers.

This week we have been continuing to look at explanation texts. We completed our class inventions, worked in groups to write instructions on ‘How to trap a dragon’ and we are now working on our Cracking Contraptions!


Shapes and angles – Summer 1 – Week 1

Stars of the week: Harris and Amiah

Well done to Amiah for settling in to Class 4 so well. Harris you have worked extremely hard on your writing this week – brilliant effort!

This week Class 4 have been investigating shapes, angles and lines of symmetry. We have explored the properties of quadrilaterals, triangles and polygons. We have even started learning how to use a protractor!!