Autumn 2 – Week 4

Stars of the Week: Frankie & Aldara

This week, we have been been delving deeper into the Northern Lights and discussing the characters in depth. We have been working on describing through action and talking about how Philip Pullman has provided information on the characters over a period of time, rather than all at once.

We then had a go at writing our own examples. Read some below in the comments.

18 thoughts on “Autumn 2 – Week 4

  • 09/12/2020 at 11:13 am

    Her dark brown eyes were peeking out of the slit, watching the steward adjusting the smoking racks and pouring wine into a decanter. The Master came into the room and had a quick conversation with the Steward that Lyra could not hear. The Steward immediately left the room, which was kind of suspicious, Lyra thought to herself. Lyra watched The Master pour a white substance into the wine and then shook it to stir it in. He then left the room for dinner with the scholars.

  • 09/12/2020 at 11:23 am

    As they walked down the deserted street, Lyra felt like a million pairs of eyes were watching her. Iorek felt it as well, it was subtly silent and very unsettling. Lyra pressed her face up against a window with light coming from inside, only to find it dimmed and then immediately switched off.
    “What’s wrong here?” asked Lyra
    “The people are scared,” replied Iorek
    “This feels creepy …,”her voice trailed off

  • 09/12/2020 at 11:23 am

    “Lyra, what’s inside?” Iorek exclaimed with fear. Lyra focused on the ‘human’ that sat down inside. Iorek leaped inside and saw the horrific sight. “Oh my gos-…” Iorek stopped and stared. The little boy didn’t have a daemon, but he was clutching onto something.
    “Where is my Ratter? Do you have my Ratter?” The severed child looked up and spoke. Lyra took a deep breath and, and walked up to the poor child.
    “No, I do not have your ratter but, we can try to find your Ratter.” Lyra said sorrowfully. She got the boy to get up and she embraced him in her arms. As Lyra walked out with the boy, Iorek stood shocked. Lyra helped the boy onto the bears back and told Iorek everything that happened. Days later, when they met up with Farder Coram. Lyra was extremely tired after taking the little boy as her own. “Where’s the boy?” Lyra abruptly questioned. Farder Coram looked into Lyra’s chocolatey eyes and spoke. “Lyra, I’m so sorry to tell you, but that little boy died.”

  • 09/12/2020 at 11:25 am

    She was beginning to get near the entrance of the hut, but Pan pulled her back as a snow leopard and said, “Are you sure about this? There could be something dangerous in there,” Lyra took a moment to ask herself if it was worth it. She kept on going because she knew whatever was in their could help her on her mission to get rid of the gobblers.
    Although it was cold, her nerves got the best of her and she began to sweat. Lyra opened the door and was shocked at the sight before her. “This …this can’t be true!” Lyra was still trying to process what she was seeing.
    “WHO’S GOT MY RATTER!” yelled the boy, and immediately she knew who had done this. She took the boy with her, but she felt sick. Having no daemon is like having no face. But Lyra was interested on what he had to say.

  • 09/12/2020 at 11:27 am

    Lyra slowly jogged further into the street. In the form of a red panda, Pan followed her deeper and deeper. The muddy snow didn’t bother to melt and a few times, Pan slipped over. After this continued three extra times, Pan changed into his favourite ermine shape and curled restlessly around Lyra’s warm neck inside the jacket. In the distance, a minuscule house stood covered in ice. Lyra, however, wasn’t sure what this was.
    “Iorek,” Lyra started squinting, “is that a little hut over ‘ere?” Iorek confirmed this with a stern nod.

  • 09/12/2020 at 11:28 am

    As they cautiously walked down the freezing and deserted street, a gust of wind shoved Lyra around viciously. Lyra shivered. Every so often, someone would peek out of their windows or open their curtains. As fast as they came, they disappeared just as quick and clearly didn’t want to be seen. The wind continued to shove Lyra aside, as the icy air nipped her exposed flesh.

  • 09/12/2020 at 11:29 am

    Roger came down panting. “Whoa,” Roger said, in shock. They both ran into the tunnel and eventually ran into a door. “How are we going to get this open?” Roger asked with a tremble in his voice.
    “Move and hold this candle to the lock,” Sebastian said, barging Roger to the side. He got out his Swiss knife.
    “Master said you’re not allowed to use that!”
    “What he doesn’t know doesn’t hurt him,” Sebastian said giving Roger a judgemental stare. He shoved his Swiss knife into the lock he jiggled it round for a bit and eventually picked the lock. He opened the door and chuckled.

  • 09/12/2020 at 11:30 am

    “What was that for?” Roger asked with his eyebrows stitched together. Bethany had just thrown down Roger’s favourite pen into the crypt. It somersaulted down the stairs. Bethany’s daemon, Octivia, formed a cat and began to claw her legs angrily.
    “Well go down there, Roger, “Bethany encouraged with a smirk. Roger constantly whined about his fear of the dark. After a few minutes of whining, Bethany reluctantly agreed to go with him.
    The echoes mimicked every footstep or noise. The cold stone ran a shiver down Bethany’s spine like a steam train. Cobwebs reached out from pillar to pillar. Roger began to turn as white as snow. His daemon gave a frightened howl. Bethany’s daemon imitated the dog and gave a trembled hoot. She scanned the area for Roger’s neon pen, but her eyes rested on a shelf of skulls. Then she let out a quiet gasp.

  • 09/12/2020 at 11:31 am

    “You wanted to see me, Master?” exclaimed Lyra.
    “Ah, yes, can you go to the 9th floor and walk down the first step of steps you see,” said the Master.
    “Sure”, said Lyra. Lyra and Pan ran excitedly down to the 9th floor of Jordan College where they bumped into Rodger.
    “Hey Rodger, do you want to go pick up something the Master sent me to get?”
    “Um, well I’m really busy with the kitchen and the Master told you to get it… So I’m going to pass on this one,”
    “Lyra”, said Pan in the shape of a hawk.” Do you think it is weird that Rodger didn’t want to come with us?”
    Lyra was crossing her arms. “Look, he didn’t want to come”. Lyra ran down the 9th floor and stared…

  • 09/12/2020 at 11:34 am

    As Josh drew nearer to the hut, he smelt a sudden tinge of rotting fish in the air. The wind blew vigorously at his short golden-brown hair as he trudged through the soft, white blanket lining the streets. The snow crunched underfoot as he walked, Vixiana padding alongside him in the form of a snow Leopard. The streets were filled with small huts resembling market stalls. Surely this was a busy street and – even though it was late on a Sunday night – surely someone should be around? Something wasn’t right. Iorek sensed the uneasy feeling in the air too. ”They are hiding.” he said in his gruff voice, “Something has scared them.”

  • 09/12/2020 at 11:35 am

    Gazing around, she saw little shards of light glimmering through the windows as people with pale and frightened faces peeking out before rapidly disappearing. “Excuse me!” Lyra said to a face that stayed out the longest. However as soon as she said it, it was gone. Getting closer to the hut, something hit Lyra. The smell of dead and rotten fish invaded her nostrils unpleasantly. As she placed her hands on the doorknob, a strange voice said from behind her, “Are you sure about this?” She spun round on her heel to meet the face of a villager. Immediately she span back around ignoring the message and opened it. Nothing could have prepared her for what she saw next… Breathing rapidly she raised her hand to clutch her chest. “Do..,” she said, ”Do you have a daemon?” “No” he replied.

  • 09/12/2020 at 11:36 am

    She opened the door and it creaked open. She clutched Coco ,who was now a parrot, in her arms she was scared but eager to see what awaited her. Suddenly, she screamed, hurriedly closing her eyes. There sat a small boy hugging a dried fish and muttering “Ratter, Ratter, where is my Ratter.” She took a couple of steps back, she felt like she had just been punched in the gut, though she felt bad too, the boy looked almost dead inside and probably hadn’t eaten in days on end and his face was pale from the cold. Once he had noticed her presence, he lurched forward saying “Have you se- seen my Rat- Ratt- Ratter!” Then she realised why she had felt so uncomfortable: he had no daemon…

  • 09/12/2020 at 11:38 am

    Dani moved cautiously and peeked through a little crack. She pushed aside her twists in her dark brown hair. It seemed a butler and the master were speaking. After a while, the master nodded without hesitation. He got a bottle spelt with the letters, T-O-K-A-Y. It looked like he got some powder too but Dani didn’t see properly because of Autumn’s reckless jumps. Through Dani’s dark chestnut eyes, she ignored her daemon Autumn and saw the Master’s cackling. She couldn’t help but laugh softly at the cackles. The power floated and then dissolved in the Tokay. The main question was, what was happening?

  • 09/12/2020 at 11:39 am

    As her chocolate eyes peeked through the hole in the wardrobe, she saw her uncle, Lord Asriel, approach the Retiring Room. Lyra was scared of her uncle, even though she did not admit it. When she saw his cold face and his dark eyes, she bit her lip so hard. Lyra was scared about what would happen if he found her in the Retiring Room. So she tried to stay as still as she could and not make a sound. Lord Asriel sat down on the cotton covered chair next to the marble table with the crystal glass filled with the richest wine around. As Lord Asriel went to pour a glass of wine, Lyra jumped out screaming, “Don’t.’’ Lord Asriel looked up in disgrace to see Lyra in one of the only places women, especially young girls, weren’t allowed to be!

  • 09/12/2020 at 11:49 am

    Lord Asriel was in shock – why was Lyra in the Retiring Room? She should not have been in there. Furiously , he grabbed her arm and her shoulder then he questioned her, “Why did you spill my wine1? Why are you here?” Lyra was scared, hurt and offended.
    “The Master put a really weird powder in your wine,” she said. She wanted to help, but now she was really starting regret it. “I wanted to help,” whispered Lyra. But then he realised that Lyra could be telling the truth and she could be trying to help so he told her .
    “Spy on him and tell me what he is trying to do, then nobody can find out about what happened here! So, do we have a solid deal?” he asked . But after a while Lyra was forced to say yes then the deal was sealed, but how could she spy on him with out getting caught?

  • 09/12/2020 at 11:50 am

    Lyra jumped over the chair and darted into the wardrobe. “We’re safe here Pan,” she said.
    “Can we just go? We’re not allowed to be here,” replied Pan.
    Lyra looked above her and wondered why there were robes in here. She realised it was the master’s closet. She grabbed a comfy robe and sat on it. “Get an itchy one or you could fall asleep,” Pan quietly told her.
    Lyra, who was beginning to feel sleepy, was hearing everything. She heard some footsteps coming inside.
    She peeked out and her light brown eyes saw Lord Asriel coming. She knew the poison was for him. “Let’s go,” said Pan.
    “I can’t, they’re going there going to poison my uncle, I can’t just stand there and watch him die!” Lyra said.
    The Master came in and the he and Lord Asriel started talking .Lyra started drifting off soon she fell asleep, Pantalaimon, Lyra’s Daemon ,became a moth and fell asleep on Lyra’s Shoulder. Her Auburn, short brown hair got in her face. She woke up and blew her hair out of her face.

  • 09/12/2020 at 11:52 am

    She felt if she had just plunged into a bucket of ice cold water. She slowly trudged up to the lonely timber house, opening the door a noise came from the depths of the room, “Where’s my Ratter?” he said.
    She went in cautiously and gasped. Tony Makarios was sat in the corner of the room. She walked outside, clinging to Pan as he licked her gently. When Lyra had calmed down, she beckoned the bear in.

  • 09/12/2020 at 12:00 pm

    Lucis and his daemon moved through the darkened hall, taking care to keep to one side, out of the kitchens sigh. The three great tables that ran the length of the hall catching what little light there was, and the long benches were pulled out ready for the guests.


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