Recent Assessment Results

2013 Assessment Results

The outstanding results achieved by pupils at the end of KS2 in 2013 prompted a letter of congratulations from David Laws MP, Secretary of State for Schools for ensuring that all pupils made the required progress across the Key Stage and described the school as ‘exceptionally effective in educating its pupils’.

Phonics (Year 1)

In 2013 the percentage of Year 1 pupils achieving the required standard in the phonics screening test was significantly above the national average of 69%.


The school is very proud of these outcomes and they are the result of systematic, engaging early literacy teaching across the EYFS and Key Stage 1, combined with high quality staff training, support for parents and targeted intervention.


The percentage of pupils attaining or surpassing each level in all subjects is higher than national average at all levels (L1+ – L3+).



In 2013, the percentage of pupils achieving Level 6 in mathematics was 29.2% – over 5 times the national average. While in the new English Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling (EGPS) test our pupils achieved significantly higher than national averages at every level, and, at the highest Level 6 threshold, the proportion of pupils who achieved this level of attainment was ten times the national average.


KS2 Progress (Progress from Y2 to Y6)
