Summer 1 – Week4

Stars of the Week: Marley and Lucia

This week, Class 1 have looked at moving shapes. They learned about quarter, half and full turns. They were able to move themselves in all of these directions and made sure that the shape looked the same in the end. They also learned their left and right, using different tricks to help them remember. See if you can challenge our class to tell you left and right!

Collective Worship song:

Summer 1 – Week 3

Stars of the Week: Harry and Maleeha

This week, Class 1 have focused on the book Piggybook by Anthony Browne. We read through the first page where the word ‘nice’ was repeated and decided that we could improve it ourselves. We all re-wrote the first page, considering other adjectives that we could use. Everyone in the class did a fantastic job and made sure that they chose adjectives that matched with each noun in the paragraph.

Summer 1 – Week 2

Stars of the Week: Arthur and Tireni

This week, Class 1 were scientists this week as they went out to study plants. They looked at different flowers outside and drew them in their books. They then described each plant and thought about the differences between them.

In Art, they created a Monet inspired painting. They used masking tape to create a bridge shape which they then painted over to create a pond and plants. They are very excited to remove the tape to reveal the bridge in their wonderful pictures.

Summer 1 – Week 1

Stars of the Week: Timothy and Ariana

This week, Class 1 have worked really hard on their phonics in preparation for our phonics screening in June. We looked at different alien words and sounded them out, using our knowledge of digraphs, trigraphs and split-digraphs. We used different GPCs to consider whether we have used the right sound or not and we were able to confer with ourselves that we said the word correctly. Well done Class 1!

We started our art topic of Monet and looked at Pathway in Monet’s Garden at Giverny. We noticed how Monet blended all of his colours together to create the image that is clearer the further away you are. We then experimented with different art resources to blend different colours together and decided what worked best.


Spring 2 – Week 5

Stars of the Week: Jeremiah and Arabella

Well done to all of Class 1 for their fantastic Collective Worship this week. Everyone did a fantastic job speaking their lines clearly. Class 1 have also worked very hard during their assessments this week.

In P.E this week, Class 1 looked at more rolls in gymnastics. The rolls were based on the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears. Class 1 made their own performance using movements and rolls.

Spring 2 – Week 4

Stars of the Week: Nika and Leopold

This week, Class 1 had a trip to Pizza Express at Bankside. They got to make their own pizzas. The day started off with them washing their hands. Then they put on their chef’s hats and aprons. Afterwards, they pushed the pizza to the sides to make the crust. Once they finished that, they were given tomato sauce which they spread over their pizza and topped with cheese. Class 1 then took their pizzas back to school (once they were cooked) and got to eat them!

Spring 2 – Week 3

Stars of the Week: Alma and Jabez

This week, we have been celebrating Book Week with lots of pirate themed writing tasks. On Monday, Class 1 described a pirate. They thought about lots of different adjectives they could use to describe the pirate and wrote them into sentences. On Tuesday, they wrote instructions on how to find treasure, as this is very important when you’re a pirate! On Wednesday, they wrote sentences about a picture of a pirate, describing what they can see in the background. On Thursday, they started their own stories about pirates, thinking about a problem pirates may have and how they would solve these problems.

Waving Lyrics

Waving, waving,
Waving to our friends.
Waving, waving,
Waving to our friends,

Let’s make a happy face,
Let’s make a happy face.
A smile is what we do
To say we like you too.
Let’s smile and say ‘Hello’,
Let’s smile and say, ‘Hello’.
This is how we treat
The people that we meet.

Waving, waving,
Waving to our friends,
Waving, waving,
Waving to our friends,

Let’s wave with our right hand,
Let’s wave with our right hand.
Wave it really high,
And reach up to the sky.
Let’s wave with our left hand,
Let’s wave with our left hand.
Wave it really low,
Down to the floor below.

Waving, waving,
Both hands to our friends.
Waving, waving,
Both hands to our friends.

Spring 2 – Week 2

Stars of the Week: Joyce and Zane

This week, Class 1 travelled back in time (and on the tube) to a Victorian Class. They had a trip to the Ragged School Museum to take part in a Victorian lesson. They met their teacher, Mrs. Perkins, who took them through all of their learning. They had to write on their slates – instead of their usual whiteboards – and were told to stand up and recite poems and facts about money. They were even told not to use their left hand!

In maths, we have been learning about measuring length. We learned about what shorter and longer means and looked at how we could measure length using cubes. Everyone had a chance to measure things around their desks. Some children measured the length of their desks and some even measured the length of the carpet!

Please find the song below to practise at home.