Summer 2 – Week 7

Stars of the Week: Jabez and Irene

This week, Class 1 carried out an investigation to find out what is magnetic and what is not. They went around the classroom with magnets and tested lots of different objects. Afterwards, they wrote their findings into a table. Class 1 then thought about what all of the magnetic objects had in common and found out that all of them were made of metal.

Summer 2 -Week 6

Stars of the Week: Leopold and Arabella

This week, Class 1 started making the algorithms for their space races on Scratch Jr. They took their time to carefully change the colour of the sprites to match what they planned last week. They also decided who they wanted to win the race by speeding up or slowing down the sprites.

In DT, Class 1 designed their moving pictures which they will make next week. Everyone decided what they would have on their picture and how it would move. They considered using a wheel, a lever or a slider. We look forward to seeing how they are made next week!

Summer 2 – Week 5

Stars of the Week: Elishua and Joyce

This week, Class 1 took part in History day! They had a great time meeting two different people, a Victorian teacher and a woman that works in the workhouse. Class 1 had a Victorian lesson and learned the 3 Rs: reading, writing and arithmetic. With the woman from the workhouse, Class 1 did some freeze frames to show children doing different jobs.

Summer 2 – Week 4

Stars of the Week: Gabriel and Freiya

Class 1 have absolutely loved sports week! They have taken part in lots of different sport related activities. The class, and parent, favourite has definitely been Sports Day. Class 1 enjoyed every competition and really got into the spirit of celebrating each other’s successes and supporting one another. From the relay race, to the egg and spoon race to the javelin throw, everyone cheered on the participants.

Summer 2 – Week 3

Stars of the Week: Jenaya and Romeo

This week, Class 1 continued to make moving pictures in DT. The focus was on using a pivot to create a lever this week. Class 1 based this on the story of Jack and Beanstalk and put Jack on a pivot next to the beanstalk. Some children then got the opportunity to tell their story to the class.

Summer 2 – Week 1

Stars of the Week: Leo H and Eloise

This week, Class 1 were scientists on their first scientific observation trip to the Peace Garden. Everyone looked at either a plant or an insect and wrote down their observations. Have a look below to see the scientists at work.



Summer 1 – Week 6

Stars of the Week: Ryan and Lourdes

Class 1 delivered a fantastic collective worship this week. They did a wonderful job of projecting their voice so that all of the parents at the back could hear them clearly. Class 1 also smiled throughout the whole assembly and performed their song really well. Well done Class 1!

In science, we have been looking at plants. The best way to study them is to grow them ourselves, so we all planted a sunflower in the classroom. Have a look at our wonderful plants below!

Summer 1 – Week 5

Stars of the Week: Leo L and Sienna

This week, Class 1 have continued looking at Piggybook by Anthony Browne. We are really enjoying this book and feel very sorry for the mum in the story as she has to do everything around the house. Class 1 wrote a character description of Patrick, Simon and Mr Piggott after they had turned into pigs. Everyone thought really hard about adjectives they could include to describe the disgraced characters.