Spring 1 Week 5- History Day

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Star of the week: Beatrice and Stanley

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For history day, Class 3 began their learning journey on… the Romans! Our day began by writing and reading Roman numerals. After our special history assembly, we then learnt about Roman soldiers and Roman Gods and Goddesses. During our P.E. lesson, we practised hoop rolling (an ancient tradition that carried on for centuries) and created an amphitheatre shape out of cones. The spectators (Class 3) stood around the amphitheatre and cheered on their team (either blue or red) whilst they battled to the death!

Class 3’s Candlemas Service

Class 3 led their first ever service at Southwark Cathedral today. All of Class 3 read  clearly, and their reflections and prayers were extremely thoughtful. Thank you Class 3 for telling us all about Candlemas, and sharing with us your thoughts about Jesus being presented in the temple as the light of the world.  Here are some photos of them in action!


Spring 1 Week 3-Marvellous Money 

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Star of the week: Luca and Beatrice

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Yesterday, Class 3 started learning about money. They had to recognise the value of all the notes and coins, as well as add them together to create a total. After solving lots of money problems on their whiteboards, and going shopping, Class 3 worked really hard on their independent task. Most of the class even completed the ‘challenge’ questions. Well done, Class 3!

Next week, Class 3 will be calculating the amount of change people need to receive after they’ve purchased items from the shop.


Spring 1 Week 2- Father David’s Visit

Star of the week: Fisayo and Joshua

Class 3 are currently preparing to lead their first service at Southwark Cathedral. Our preparations began with an informative visit from the lovely Father David. After sharing a passage from Luke Chapter 2, Father David helped Class 3 to understand what Candlemas is and why it is important to Christians. Using their new knowledge and understanding, Class 3 began to reflect on what Candlemas means to them. We will share these reflections with you in a couple of weeks.

Next week in R.E, Class 3 will be continuing with their new topic on Hindu beliefs, teachings and symbols. We will be focusing on the Bhagavad Gita which is part of the Mahabharata.

Spring 1 Week 1- Basketball

Star of the week: Helena and Luca

During our P.E. lesson this week, we started practising our Basketball skills. Firstly, we completed a throwing and catching challenge which required us to focus on not dropping the ball! Then, we moved on to dribbling the ball by bouncing it with our hands. All of Class 3 worked really hard on all of these skills. Well done, Class 3!

Next week, we will begin to work on our shooting skills.

Super Structures!

Before the Christmas holidays, Class 3 designed and built their own structures. The criteria for their structure was as follows:

  • It needed to be at least 80cm tall  and 20cm wide.
  • It needed to be able to support itself.
  • It needed to be stable.
  • It needed to have an eye-catching design.

After they had made and decorated their structures, our guest judge (Mr Scott) came in to test them. Here are some photos of the structures, and them being tested.




Autumn 2 Week 7- Museum of London

Star of the week: All of Class 3

Yesterday, Class 3 went on a trip to the Museum of London. As a class, we visited the London Before London exhibition to find out lots of information about Prehistoric Britain. We also saw artefacts from the Stone Age, Bronze Age and the Iron Age. The photos below show us in the museum, gathering all of our research!

Next week, we will use this information to create a PowerPoint about our history topic this half term.



Autumn 2 Week 6

Star of the week: Mazin and Maidie

In our maths lessons this week, Class 3 have been learning about division and multiplication. We have used useful resources like counters and cubes to represent different groups of a number. In addition to this, we have used pictorial representations, bar models and number stories too.

Autumn 2 Week 5- Baaaaaaaaa!!!!!

Star of the week: Ethan and Iyad

This week, Class 3 made some very woolly sheep as part of our Christmas display. They used lots of different skills to make them, including collage.
Watch this space for a photo of the finished display.

Next week, Class 3 will continue with their Design and Technology work on structures. In pairs, Class 3 will be designing their own super structures!

Autumn 2 Week 4- Beware, Hunter-Gatherers at Cathedral School!

Star of the week: Yvette and Diane

In our history lesson this week, we became hunter-gatherers and found a variety of wild animals, nuts, seeds, berries and edible plants in the Peace Garden. During the early Stone Age, this was their only way of survival. They had to hunt for animals and gather other edible foods that were available. As a class, we then discussed how life during the Neolithic time (Late Stone Age) changed. A warmer climate and more rain meant that people could create settlements and grow crops. Pretending we were alive during the Stone Age, Class 3 wrote a letter to a friend explaining how much better life was. Class 3 worked really hard on their letters and included lots of subject specific vocabulary. Well done, Class 3!

Next week, we will be learning all about the well preserved Stone Age village, Skara Brae.