Summer 2 – Week 6

Stars of Week: Marwah and Iyad

This week, Class 5 have been writing play scripts as tables. They looked at the key features, discussed ideas for their own scripts and then wrote the scenes. Next week, they will put the scenes together as a group and act out their individual plays.

In computing, Class 5 have been making their own quizzes that use selection on scratch. They have included variables, to decide whether someone has put the correct answer or not, as well as the ‘if… then… else…’ code.

Summer 2 – Week 5

Stars of the Week: Ethan and Fisayo

This week Class 5 have been designing their Spitfire planes. They based their designs on World War 2 planes. They made them their own with their initials on the side and a flag of their choice. Class 5 will start making them next week.

In maths, Class 5 have been learning to tell the time and are learning about how analogue clocks work. They have then changed analogue times to digital and vice versa.

Summer 2 – Week 4

Stars of the Week: All of Class 5

This week, we have had a very sporty week! Class 5 took part in different events and pushed themselves to try the best they can. On sports day, they took part in the obstacle course, hurdles, relay race and the 50m sprint. Class 5 had amazing focus on the egg and spoon race and barely any eggs were dropped! Most children were even running while keeping perfect balance! Well done Class 5 for your amazing sportsmanship this week!

Summer 2 – Week 3

Stars of the Week: Victor and Juno

This week has been packed full of lots of great experiences for Class 5. During science day, we had the pleasure of going to Westminster School to have a look at the three subjects of science: Biology, Chemistry and Physics.

For physics, we went into a planetarium. We were shown lots of constellations of the stars which were interesting but it was hard to see how some people made pictures of the stars as they were very contrasting. We also looked at the North Star (Polaris) and watched the ‘world’ go round to see the star staying in the exact same place!

For biology, we looked at a heart. The teacher showed us where the blood travels in and out of the heart and where all of the chambers in the heart are. We looked at diagrams and spoke about how the heart is so important as it carries everything we need to parts of our body: oxygen, water and food.

For chemistry, we saw a copper 2p coin turned into gold! The chemistry teacher showed us lots of different interesting experiments with lots of explosions as well as smoke made from frozen carbon dioxide. We also looked at how carbon dioxide is heavier than the air around us and we could see bubbles floating on a pool of CO2.


Summer 2 – Week 2

Stars of the Week: Mariama and Max

This week, Class 5 began their new topic of map skills in geography. They collaboratively made a map on Padlet with different landmarks from all over the world. The map started with one pin to show where Buckingham Palace was and ended with over 150!

In Spanish, Class 5 have been learning about the Olympics. They looked at different facts and decided whether they were verdadero (true) or falso (false).

Summer 2 – Week 1

Stars of the Week: Nathan and Juno

This week, Class 5 have been working hard to make their own poems for our poetry competition. They have tried very hard to make sure that they keep their poems to a good rhythm and ensure that they have presented them correctly. Some children were even able to rhyme throughout their poems whereas some children used repetition. Everyone in Class 5 have done a fantastic job to make sure that they have written a fantastic poem and are very excited to share them with Kroll!

Summer 1 Week 6

Stars of the Week: Henry and Helena

History Day this year has been superb in Class 5. We did lots of fun activities related to our topic of WWII. We started off the day looking at the prices of different equipment the army would need and found totals of lists of items. We also had a task to have equipment within a certain budget. If there wasn’t enough money for everything, we had to decide what would be left behind.

In English, Class 5 went back to 1939 and decided whether Britain should go to war or not. We each took it in turns to give our opinions and lots of counter-arguments were given!

In P.E, Class 5 played different playground games that children would play in the 1940s such as ‘Mother, may I?’ and Tag.

Summer 1 Week 5

Stars of the Week: All of Class 5

This week, Class 5 visited the Imperial War Museum. They had a fantastic experience and met two people who were evacuated as children: Jill and Bernard. They both had very contrasting and interesting stories. They told us about what it was like to be evacuated, coming to school everyday with a packed bag ready to leave and the feeling of staying on a train to Cornwall for 7 hours!

Class 5 had some fantastic questions for the speakers which generated some fantastic answers. Some parts of their stories were sad which made us appreciate how tough it was for some people to move away from their families, not knowing where they were going. This will surely be a trip that we will remember for a long time.


Summer 1 – Week 4

Stars of the Week: Daniel and Isabella

This week, Class 5 have continued their topic of graphic novels. They looked at different examples of pop art with a focus on Roy Lichtenstein who made lots of comic-type artwork. Lichtenstein used lots of dots to build up a certain colour on part of his paintings which Class 5 replicated using bubble wrap (to save some time).

Summer 1 – Week 3

Stars of the Week: Eliana and Kosi

This week, Class 5 have been lucky enough to use the BBC micro:bits. They have started coding the abstract images that will show on their digital flashcards they are going to make. Class 5 worked really well to decide how they can make a loop in their algorithms to ensure that all code is included and repeated.