Summer 2 Week 6

Stars of the Week: All of Class 6

Well done on everything you’ve achieved this year and throughout primary school. You’ve been amazing and you should be very proud of yourselves. Continue to work hard, stay focused and you will have a great and successful time at secondary school!



Summer 2 Week 5

Stars of the Week: All of Class 6

This week, the KS2 SATs results were released. Y6 performed excellently (as we knew they would!) and should be very proud of themselves. Y6, you have constantly impressed us throughout the year. Well done for all of your hard work and preparation for these assessments!

Summer 2 Week 4 – History Day!

Stars of the Week: Thomas and Shia

Yesterday, we had History Day! Our learning was focused towards WWII and we completed a variety of fantastic workshops such as: decoding a message, censoring a confidential letter with any valuable information, creating war medals and singing war songs to boost morale! Well done for being so enthusiastic and involved in the learning.



Summer 2 Week 1

Stars of the week: Terrence and Nifemi

This week we went to the Theatre Royal to watch the west-end production of Frozen! The children had a fantastic time watching how professional actors perform their lines, remember choreography and give 100% effort throughout. Hopefully they can take something from it and feel inspired for the continuing rehearsal sessions. Well done for being so well behaved.

Summer 1 Week 6

Stars of the Week: Amine and Alpha

This week in Computing, we have continued our 3D designs this week and created a variety of designs; from tables to chairs and from houses to kingdoms!

We have also been auditioning parts for the end of year production and each child has been very supportive of everyone’s efforts. Well done Class 6!


Summer 1 Week 5

Stars of the Week: All of Class 6

Well done Class 6 for a fantastic week of SATs! You have worked so hard to towards these assessments, and shown some great resilience and determination. You should all be very very proud of yourselves!

Now, let’s get ready for our end of year production!

Summer 1 Week 4

Stars of the Week: Archie and Shaye

This week in Class 6, we have completed our final week of revision for SATs, which start next Monday.

Well done to the whole class for all your hard work across the last few months – you should be very proud of the effort you have put in. Now it’s time to get ready for next week!

Summer 1 Week 3 – Computing

Stars of the Week: Amelia and Saraea

This week in Class 6, the children started breaking down a variety of items, such as a table and chairs, into their respective shapes and thought about the overall design of the item. They used the 3D design software Tinkercad and carefully thought about the different levels to the design and how they can create holes within their shapes.