Summer 1 Week 3 – Computing

Stars of the Week: Amelia and Saraea

This week in Class 6, the children started breaking down a variety of items, such as a table and chairs, into their respective shapes and thought about the overall design of the item. They used the 3D design software Tinkercad and carefully thought about the different levels to the design and how they can create holes within their shapes.

Summer 1 Week 2

Stars of the week: Parker and Rileigh

This week in class 6 we have been looking at the different techniques to draw a face. We looked at how we can plan our different parts of the face to ensure they are all in proportion. Well done class 6 for working so hard on these.

In History this week, we have been looking at the changes in London and how lots of the landmarks have remained the same for hundreds of years – London is full of incredible history!

Summer 1 Week 1 – History

Stars of the Week: Nifemi and Martha

This week, in History we started our new topic and began to look at how the landscape has changed in London, over the last few hundred years. We compared a pair of pictures, both taken in the same place, and reflected upon the similarities and differences. We then considered how some of the main landmarks in London have largely remained the same.



Spring 2 Week 5 – Music

Stars of the Week: Funmi and Amaris

This week in Class 6, we have made some great progress in our topic in Music. We started to create our own variations of ‘Twinkle Twinkle’ and began to introduce some different instruments (such as chime bars and other percussion). We wrote our variations onto some music scores and began to think about the tempo of the song. Next week, they’ll be performing these alongside the ‘passacaglia’ section and to the rest of the class.


Spring 2 Week 4

Stars of the Week: Bea and Isaac

This week in Class 6, we started building our marble runs! We considered the different tracks we want to design and began constructing each section. We looked at the different ways we can anchor the tracks to the boxes to make sure they are as strong as possible. Well done for making such a good start, next week we will begin to create some rules for our games.

Spring 2 Week 3 – Computing

Stars of the Week: Carter and Shia

This week in Class 6, we have been collecting data! We created some questionnaires using Google forms and began to answer as many as possible. We considered the different types of data that we wanted to gather and how we could manage this. Next week, we will look at how we can present out data on graphs and start to analyse them.



Spring 2 – Week 2

Stars of the Week: Morraya and Thomas

This week, in PSHE, we have been learning about the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and what it means to everyone. We discussed how our human rights are protected and how they should always be respected.

We have also been completing some past papers this week, and it is great to see how hard work equals some great improvements! Well done Class 6, let’s keep going!



Spring 2 Week 1 – Bank of England

Stars of the Week: Alpha and Charles

Class 6 had a fantastic trip to the Bank of England, where they learnt all about; the history of the British economy, how the first bank was founded, what happens to interest rates and inflation, and they even got to lift a gold bar! We discussed how we can manage our finances correctly, which links nicely to our board games we created in school.  Well done for being so well behaved !