Autumn 1 Week 2 – English

Stars of the Week: Charles and Noella

This week in Class 6, we finished writing our newspaper reports about the day that WW1 was declared in 1914. Then, we moved on to discussing the question ‘Should Britain join in the war effort?’ The class were split in two, some of the yes side and the others on the no side. Each group produced some detailed reasons as to why Britain should or shouldn’t go to war, and we had a fantastic debate. One at a time, each child stood up, gave their reasoning behind their decision and then listened to the responses. Well done Class 6 for being so sensible and respectful throughout the debate, and not letting emotions get in the way!

Autumn 1 Week 1

Stars of the Week: Alpha and Shaye

This week, we have enjoyed being back in school, and setting a good example for the younger years. Y6 buddies have been given out, and are already helping out around the school at lunchtimes – if you see them, be sure to say hello don’t forget to say thank you if they help you.

In Maths, we have been working on our place value this week, and reading/writing large numbers over one million. We used this knowledge to compare and order numbers and identify the process throughout.

In English, we have started planning out a newspaper report about the day that WW1 was declared, after Archduke Franz Ferdinand was assassinated! The children worked hard to order the events leading up to the declaration, and discussed how people initially felt towards the war.

Summer 2 – Week 6

Stars of the Week: Mariama & Mazin

This week, the KS2 SATs results were released. Y6 performed excellently (as we knew they would!) and should be very proud of themselves. Y6, you have constantly impressed us throughout the year. Well done.

We also enjoyed our Summer Fair, thanks to the Friends of Cathedral School who organised it.

Leavers’ Service

Well done to everyone in Class 6 for their excellent Leavers’ Service. It was wonderful to hear all their memories, thanks and prayers. They’ve enjoyed reflecting on their experiences at Cathedral School over the past few years and it is safe to say that they will all take away special memories of their time here.



Summer 2 – Week 2

Stars of the Week: Beatrice & Yonaton

This week, we have been learning all about the human circulatory system. We learnt about the different blood vessels in the body and also about the four chambers of the human heart. We created our own information texts about what we learnt.

We also participated in Cleaner Air Day yesterday, where we got to enjoy some time outside whilst the road was closed.