Autumn 2 Week 3

Stars of the week: Funmi and Fintan

This week in Class 6 we have been looking at fossils! We started by considering how fossils are created, and how they can be used as ‘scientific windows’ into the world millions of years ago. We looked at some pictures of fossils and tried to work out the animal by asking lots of questions – Did it live in water or on land? How many legs did it have? What does the head look like?

We moved on to looking at some dinosaur fossils and matched them to the coloured pictures of the dinosaurs.



Autumn 2 Week 2

Stars of the Week: Alphie and Parker

This week in Class 6 we started constructing our Bee-Bot tracks! The children carefully planned out and created the different obstacles and considered the different materials that would be required. Next week we are going to continue our designs, and use different materials (cardboard, foil, card) to help create more robust obstacles.

Class 6 have also been completed some SATs past papers this week, to give them some practice on how an assessment is completed. Well done to all of Class 6 for completing them so sensibly, it is clear to see just how much you have learnt and also any gaps that we can fill before next year.

Autumn 2 Week 1 – DT

Stars of the Week: Nifemi and Terrence

This week in Class 6 we have been starting to design their Bee-Bot tracks! The children created their initial sketches and worked hard to incorporate everyone’s ideas. They had to stick to the clear design brief which explained that the track must have a clear design, maintain some clear rules and also include some obstacles. Next week we will start putting the designs onto large pieces of paper and start testing the tracks.

In English this week, we have started our new class text – The Midnight Guardians by Ross Montgomery. The children have been completing some reading comprehensions for each chapter and started to think about who the main characters are in the story.


Class 6 Collective Worship

Stars of the Week: All of Class 6

Well done Class 6 for a brilliant collective worship. You all spoke so confidently and your work in English was fantastic!

Please find attached the video from our first collective worship in Class 6!

Thank you again for your continued support.

Mr Henshaw and Darsie.


Autumn 1 Week 6 – Art

Stars of the week: Amelia and Archie

This week in Class 6 we finished off our M C Escher artwork, with a focus on drawing one-point perspectives. The children worked hard to draw each line from one point on the page, to create a perspective of the buildings getting smaller and smaller the higher they go.

In Maths this week, we have been tackling long division. The children have been remembering the method with the saying ‘Divide, Subtract, Drop’ which translates to dividing the first number, subtracting the amount and then dropping the next digit down. Well done to Amelia and Archie who showed great perseverance when learning this method.

Autumn 1 Week 5 – Residential

Stars of the Week: All of Class 6

A big well done to all of Class 6 for their excellent behaviour and teamwork on school journey. They all attempted a number of activities, from rock climbing, abseiling and fencing, to team-building, low ropes and raft building. Each child worked hard to overcome all the challenges they faced (especially the activities regarding height), bonded as a class and were polite and respectful to everyone they met. Well done!



Autumn 1 Week 3

Stars of the Week: Deborah and Carter

This week in Class 6, we have been publishing our letters to David Lloyd George, persuading him to send or not to send the British army to war. The children worked hard to keep their handwriting neat and use the correct spellings for words. They have turned out so well that we are going to create a display from them!

In History this week, we have been looking at what soldiers go up to on a typical day in the WWI trenches. The days were full of activity but they also included mundane jobs such a cleaning the rifles to completing morning hake – where they would watch the enemy lines for any movement or a potential advance.

Autumn 1 Week 2 – English

Stars of the Week: Charles and Noella

This week in Class 6, we finished writing our newspaper reports about the day that WW1 was declared in 1914. Then, we moved on to discussing the question ‘Should Britain join in the war effort?’ The class were split in two, some of the yes side and the others on the no side. Each group produced some detailed reasons as to why Britain should or shouldn’t go to war, and we had a fantastic debate. One at a time, each child stood up, gave their reasoning behind their decision and then listened to the responses. Well done Class 6 for being so sensible and respectful throughout the debate, and not letting emotions get in the way!

Autumn 1 Week 1

Stars of the Week: Alpha and Shaye

This week, we have enjoyed being back in school, and setting a good example for the younger years. Y6 buddies have been given out, and are already helping out around the school at lunchtimes – if you see them, be sure to say hello don’t forget to say thank you if they help you.

In Maths, we have been working on our place value this week, and reading/writing large numbers over one million. We used this knowledge to compare and order numbers and identify the process throughout.

In English, we have started planning out a newspaper report about the day that WW1 was declared, after Archduke Franz Ferdinand was assassinated! The children worked hard to order the events leading up to the declaration, and discussed how people initially felt towards the war.