Marvellous Maths

marvellous maths

One of our main focuses in Class 5 at the moment is on improving our maths work. It’s really important that we work hard on all of our mathematical skills to improve our maths levels. There is many different ways to work on our maths skills and we are currently doing lots of different work from practical investigations:


(making nets of 3d shapes)IMG_0048

and lots more besides.

What could you do today to improve your Maths levels?

Have a look at the Mathletics website as there many useful activities on this site which will help your learning

Still want more? Well try these websites that will also aid your maths work: Some games on this website are more challenging than others – choose a game that will extend your thinking to make the most progress with your maths work. An old favourite, this website presents mathematical concepts in fun and practical contexts.

How are you going to improve your maths levels?

Share your experiences of how you’ve improved yourself in maths by writing a comment below.

Roald Dahl Day!

On Friday 13th September it was Roald Dahl Day. This annual celebration is held on the anniversary of the author’s birthday to celebrate is enduring legacy of fantastical story telling. Adults and children alike love his stories and everyone has a favourite.

On Roald Dahl Day, Class 5 explored the activities on the Roald Dahl website and produced some very thoughtful and creative work inspired by the characters and stories that he created.

Have your say on the big issue of the day – namely ‘Which is the greatest Roald Dahl story’?

Are you a fan of Fantastic Mr Fox?

Do you go crazy for Charlie and the Chocolate Factory?

Does George Marvelous Medicine bring joy into your heart?

Leave a comment below to add your voice to the Roald Dahl debate.

roald dahl day