Autumn 2- Week 6

Stars of the Week: Heidi and Kayden

Well done to Heidi and Kayden who have demonstrated some wonderful work as learning partners this week. They have been sharing ideas and working brilliantly together, particularly in our subtraction lessons in Maths. What fantastic role models!

Class 1 have been enjoying their outdoor PE sessions and working hard on their fitness this half term. This week in PE it was clear to see the progress that has been made! Can you guess any of the exercises they have been working on from the photos below?

This week the children in Class 1 wrote some very thoughtful Christmas prayers. Have a listen to a selection of them on our blog next week. They thought carefully about what they were thankful for, and considered those who are less fortunate than them who may need our prayers.

Autumn 2- Week 5

Stars of the Week: Evelyn and Samuel

Class 1 have been getting into the Christmas spirit with some wonderful crafting this week. Our classroom is looking so cheerful and festive! Have a look at the photos below to see what we have been making.

In Geography this week Class 1 have learnt about the seven continents and have been working on labelling them. We listened to a catchy song to help us remember them all! Next week we will be learning to name the world’s oceans.

Well done for another week of hard work, Class 1. You are nearly at the end of your first term in Key Stage 1!

Autumn 2- Week 4

Stars of the Week: Malique and Ruby

It has been a busy week in Class 1. In Geography we have been learning how to identify map symbols and even designed some of our own. Ruby drew a fantastic symbol to represent where to find a zoo on a map!

In outdoor PE we have been working on our attacking and defending skills. We focussed on making sure we were marking our partners, were facing the person throwing and had our eyes on the ball ready to intercept it. Malique was able to demonstrate all of these skills- well done!

In RE we have begun learning the Nativity story. We thought about how Mary would have felt when the Angel Gabriel delivered the message that a special baby would be born. We also started learning The Rocking Carol. We have nearly learnt all of verse 1.

Next week we are looking forward to some exciting Christmas craft activities!

Autumn 2- Week 3

Stars of the Week: Lola and Joshua

Well done Class 1 for your hard work in preparing for our Collective Worship. We are ready and excited to perform. Lola and Joshua have been saying their lines so confidently and with a lovely smile on their faces too! Thank you to all the grown ups who have been helping children learn their lines at home.

One of the highlights of our week was making marmalade (or jam) sandwiches. We followed the instructions step by step and thoroughly enjoyed the experience, especially getting to eat the sandwiches!

In English we have been writing our own versions of the Paddington story. Check back next week for some examples of our wonderful writing and creative ideas.

Autumn 2- week 2

Stars of the Week: Arabella and Noah

Well done Class 1 for your fantastic diary entries this week. We have been focussing on rereading our work to make sure we have included capital letters, finger spaces and full stops. Arabella and Noah also included some time words such as first, next, then and finally, as well as trying their best to write neatly on the line.

Class 1 have been working hard in Maths on our number bonds within 10. We had to remember to start from 0 and work systematically to find all the possibilities.

We have also been learning our new song for Collective Worship. Please could the children practise their lines at home so we are performance ready by the end of next week.

Autumn 2- Week 1

Stars of the Week: Anusha and Albert

Our first week of the new half term has been busy! In English we started our new class text, Paddington. We have been using adjectives to describe what Paddington looks like, what his personality is like and how he is feeling at different points of the story. I have been impressed with the interesting vocabulary Class 1 have been using. Cruz wrote a sentence about Paddington feeling exhausted after his long journey from South America to London. Noah wrote about Paddington’s knees wobbling with nerves before meeting Mrs Bird the housekeeper. Wow!

In Maths we started our new unit on addition and subtraction. We have been using counters and the part- whole model to partition a number between 1 and 10 in different ways. The children in Class 1 enjoyed working with their partners to find how many different ways they could make the number 8.

We wrote prayers in RE this week, making sure we started with ‘Dear God’ and included a sentence starting with ‘thank you’ and ‘please’ and finishing with Amen. Many children wrote thoughtful prayers asking God to keep their family and friends happy and healthy.

Next week we will be be writing diary entries describing Paddington’s first day in London. Keep an eye out here next week to see examples of our fantastic writing!

Autumn 1- Week 7

Stars of the Week: Betty and Gerard

This week Class 1 enjoyed creating abstract paintings. We used 2D shapes and different types of lines to create paintings in the style of Kandinsky. We used oil pastels and water colours and chose colours using the colour wheels we made earlier in the term.

In RE we discussed the Jewish holy day, Shabbat. We learnt about the special traditions that Jews follow on this day of the week. Class 1 showed some excellent understanding of how this day is celebrated by decorating their own Shabbat table to include key objects. We learnt that the day signifies the 7th day of Creation, when God rested.

Well done for a fantastic first half term, Class 1. I am proud of the way you have transitioned from Reception into KS1!

Autumn 1- Week 6

Stars of the Week: Zein and Yoki

This week in English we have been learning the differences between fiction and non- fiction books. We sorted the books into two groups and noticed that non-fiction books contained facts and information. This will help us when we begin writing our non chronological reports about tigers tomorrow.

During our History lesson we visited Redcross Gardens to spot the different types of houses and homes we could see. We have been comparing old and new houses and thinking about the various types of homes we live in and how houses have changed over time.

In Art we enjoyed using oil pastels to create concentric circles in the style of Kandinsky. We are looking forward to using watercolours to create creatures using different lines and patterns next week!

Autumn 1- Week 5

Stars of the Week: Jacob A and Ezra

This week in History we have been finding out about how toys have changed through time. We worked in groups to create a role play to demonstrate a change. For example: toys can now be bought in supermarkets and on the internet, as well as from toy shops. We performed our role plays to the class.

In Science we have been learning how scientists sort animals into different groups. We found out some facts about mammals, reptiles and birds and their different features. We then grouped some of the animals that we see in our local area such as tadpoles, newts, squirrels, pigeons and foxes and talked about how we knew they were mammals, birds or amphibians.